Custom Messages
Alphanumeric keypads have the ability to display custom- ized messages. These messages are stored in the control panel's nonvolatile memory.
To program the Custom Messages, use the [Bypass] key to scroll to the Custom Messages? screen. Press the [Home] key to display the first Custom Message (EDIT TROUBLE MSG).
There are 41 Custom Messages available. The Edit Trouble Message, 32 Zone Messages, and 8 Area Messages.
To assist you in entering the Custom Messages, a program- ming template is included with the keypad. The template is shown below and the operation of the keys is described at the top of the next page.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Bypass 0 Home CANCEL
Figure 25
The Alphanumeric Keypad Programming Template
To enter a Message or Label, use the following key com- mands:
Key Function
[2]Scroll forward through characters/symbols
[8]Scroll backward through characters/symbols
[4]Move cursor left one character
[6]Move cursor right one character [Cancel] Cancel current changes and restore pre-
vious message, or scroll up one message
[Home] Write message to memory and scroll down one message
In addition, other numbers on the keypad enable you to quickly move to special places in the alphabet. These special keys are:
[1]Jump to the space character
[3]Jump to the number 0
[7]Jump to the letter A
[9]Jump to the letter a
NOTE: The [Cancel] key will only restore previous mes- sages if the message has not been written to memory using the [Home] key.
Test Report
Following the Custom Messages option is the Send Test Report option. Selecting this option will initiate a Test Re- port to the Central Station. The keypad will display a mes- sage indicating the success or failure of the Report.
Test Report with Audibles
This option generates a Test Report to the Central Sta- tion with all local audibles (internal and external sirens) sounding for the duration of the Test Report attempt. Pressing any key during the Test Report period will turn the sirens off. The system will provide feedback to con- firm the success or failure of the Report.
Audible Test
This option turns on all local audibles (internal and exter- nal sirens) for a period of 5 seconds.
Entry Delay Test
Using this option, the installer can test the Entry Delay to ensure that a user has sufficient time to enter the pre- mises and disarm the system without generating an alarm. To begin the test, scroll to the Entry Delay Tst screen and press [Home]. Then fault the Entry zone to begin the delay.
Exit Delay Test
Using this option, the installer can test the Exit Delay to ensure that a user has sufficient time to arm the system and leave the premises without generating an alarm. To begin the test, scroll to the Exit Delay Test screen and press [Home]. The Exit delay will begin immediately.
Transmit Walk-Test Queue Reports
RPS Callback
Using this option, the installer can initiate an RPS ses- sion from the Keypad.
Battery Test
This option allows the installer to perform a Battery Test on the system. The test starts when you press the [Home] key. The system will exit the installer programming mode and reset the panel. The test takes approximately two min- utes to complete. The battery status will be displayed only if a Low Battery condition exists.