Block 3 - Armed System Programming (cont.)
Sounder | Comments |
Cmd Loc
0 - 255
Number of seconds that elapse following an alarm condition before the internal siren/external bell sounds. The keypad buzzer is active during this period.
Strobe/Siren Disable with Low Battery | Comments | Options: |
Cmd Loc
1 - 2
If enabled, this option disables the strobe/siren, to extend | 1 | No |
backup time with a low battery condition. | 2 | Yes |
Phone Line Cut or Comm Fail Indication (Silent to Audible)
Cmd Loc | 036 |
Default | 1 |
Range | 1 - 2 |
Comments | Options: | |
If enabled, alarm conditions programmed as silent will con- | 1 | No |
vert to audible. | 2 | Yes |
Phone Line Cut Audible Action
Cmd Loc | 037 |
Default | 1 |
Range | 1 - 3 |
Comments | Options: | |
Determines the audible action | 1 | No Local Audible Annunciation. |
to be taken when the tele- | 2 | Turn On Sounders. |
phone line has been cut. | 3 | Turn On Sounders only if armed. |
Internal/External Sounder Output Duration (Minutes)
Cmd Loc 038
Default 5
Range 0 - 60
Amount of time the internal siren and external bell will sound following an alarm condition. Sounder cadence is progammed in Block 2, CL 079 - 110.
Strobe Output Duration (Days)
Cmd Loc | 039 |
Default | 7 |
Range | 0 - 7 |
This option specifies the duration of the strobe output (in days) following an alarm condition.
0Strobe Disabled 1 - 6 Days
7Strobe Latched
Soak Mode (Learning Period) Duration (Days)
Cmd Loc 040
Default 0
Range 0 - 31
Panel will operate as a local system only during this period. This will give the user time to learn the system. All alarm indications during this period will only be annunciated by keypad buzzer. The internal and external sound- ers are also disabled during this period.
Duress Active Only When (Area) Armed
Cmd Loc | 041 |
Default | 2 |
Range | 1 - 2 |
Comments | Options: | |
If enabled, the duress code will only disarm the system. The | 1 | No |
duress code may not be used for arming. | 2 | Yes |
If disabled, this option will send a duress report when arming or disarming.
Opening Report Programming Override
Cmd Loc 042
Default 1
Range 1 - 2
Comments | Options: | |
An Opening Report will be sent if the following conditions | 1 | No |
are met: | 2 | Yes |
1 - An alarm has occurred;
2 - the cancel report timer (Block 4, CL 110) has expired; and 3 - a valid user code is entered.
The report is sent, regardless of the User Code Privileges (Block 1, CL 021 - 080) assigned to the user. The report will not override First to Open/Last to Close (Block 9, CL 110) option.
External Bell Supervision Enable
Cmd Loc | 043 |
Default | 1 |
Range | 1 - 2 |
Comments | Options: | |
If enabled, provides for supervision of external bell wiring | 1 | No |
for opens, shorts, and ground faults. Bell supervision re- | 2 | Yes |
quires an EOL resistor at the bell terminals. This option may not be used if External Bell Reverse (Block 3, CL 048) is active.
For proper supervision, Ground Fault Supervision (Block 3, CL 053) should also be enabled.