Self-test 1
DIP switch 2-2 ON
! “tt$%?*’ () x+. -. /012,4567Ef9: : =. ?@AHCDEFGIiIJt LMNOF’aRS~IUL’WXYZL’,l -‘au<.
rJELMNaPDRSJUVWX YZC \ 3’ _r at,cjefgf,ijhIrnopqrstuL,w*y-(,‘:Z
ZJKLMNOPQRSZVVW XYZ[\J^_‘abcdefshijklmnopqrstuvwxyr(: )"
"'#%%b 0 *+.-./01=;456789:: =, ‘l~AHCDEFGHIJI.LMNOPaRSTUVWXYZC\I -‘ate
IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZC \ 3’-’ ahrdaf~AIJ~Imnopyrstuvw\ y.lC: ?”
ZJKLMNOPQ ~~Z[\J^_‘abcdefghijkZmnopqrstuvwxYzt:)'-
! “#B%t’ 0 S+,-. /012:456789: ;C=:.:~?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPaRSTUVWXYZL\3 ‘abr
IJgLnNDPQRSJUVWXYZC\l~-’ abcJ~fgh~~hlanopyrstur~w\y~~.‘~”
ZJKLMNOPQ- XYZ[\J^_‘abcdefghijkImnoWrstuvwxrz(: )-
DIP switch 2-2 OFF
Self-test 2
! “it%%&‘ t 1*+. -. /u1”;456789: : :- -@ABCDEFGHIJ, LM,V”I’UK~TU’.‘WX’Z L \; .&bi
‘“#%%K’O*+.-./Ui’:456789:: .=, ~,~CISCDEFG~,I,,~LMI\IoPaflsr"VWxYZC\~, m~ra13~u
“#SW 01+.-./1:ll~;fl56789:: .= -l~AEiCDEFGHJJ~ L lTvOF’0liS-I lJ’JWXYZL\I ‘.30LOf
#B-/A’ () S+. -. /01”;456789: : =.~7BABCDEFGHIJt.~MNOPOR~TUV~XYZ~\l _ ‘aocrlrf
%%B’O~+.-./01=~4567RY:; = ~“l@AHCDEFGHIJt LrlFIOF’aRSTUVWXYZL\:I ..‘aurdefg
%p,’ O$+.-./013’456789:: = -“@ABCDEFGHIJt LMNOPCIFiSTUVWXYZC\l . ..‘al.cdefgh
Figure 2-12. The self-tests show you what the printer can print.
When you want to terminate the long self-test function, turn
off the power switch.
Now that you’ve assembled and tested your printer, all that
remains is to connect it to your computer as follows:
1. Make sure that both your computer and printer are
turned off.
2. Connect the printer end of the interface cable to the
connector socket at the right rear of the printer as shown
in Figure 2-13.
3. Connect the other end of the cable to your computer
as described in the computer manual.