Installing UNIX agents
This chapter includes the following topics:
■About installing UNIX agents
■Installing an agent in verbose mode
■Installing an agent in silent mode
■Uninstalling agents using package commands
■Uninstalling agents manually
■Disabling and enabling UNIX agents
■Monitoring and restarting UNIX agents
■Troubleshooting agent issues
About installing UNIX agents
Installation prompts you to enter a series of values.
Please note the following UNIX agent installation requirements:
■UNIX agents do not support IP aliases. If your network card is bound to more than one IP address, the agent uses the first IP address on the network card.
■You must install UNIX agents as root. UNIX agents require root privileges to run.
■If you transfer UNIX agent installation .bin files from a Windows computer to a UNIX computer using FTP or some other file transport method, you must use binary transfer mode. Otherwise the installation files will be corrupted.