Planning the installation
About simple failover
By default, the enable intrusion prevention option is selected during Symantec Critical System Protection agent installation.
Symantec Critical System Protection supports intrusion prevention on computers that run Windows, Solaris, and Linux operating systems.
About simple failover
Symantec Critical System Protection includes simple failover. Should the primary management server fail, simple failover lets agents automatically switch to the next management server in an ordered list of alternate servers.
Simple failover enables you to deploy a set of
Another use for simple failover is static load balancing. With static load balancing, you manually assign a set of agents to each Tomcat server. Each agent can fail to a different Tomcat server if its primary server becomes inaccessible.
How simple failover works
Simple failover works as follows:
■When the IPS Service starts up, it uses the first server in the ordered list of management servers. The first server in the ordered list is considered the primary management server; the remaining servers are alternate servers. The IPS Service uses server #1 as long as communication with the server is successful.
■At startup, the IPS Service always uses the first server in the ordered list of management servers, regardless of which server was in use when the IPS Service was shut down.
■When the ordered list of management servers changes, the IPS Service immediately attempts to connect to the first server in the new list.
■When communication with a server fails, the IPS Service uses the next server in the ordered list of management servers. When communication with the last server fails, the IPS Service uses the first server in the list. The IPS Service loops through the ordered list of management servers indefinitely.
■When the IPS Service switches to a new management server, it logs the action.