Installing UNIX agents
Uninstalling agents manually
7Remove the following lines from the initialization scripts: Remove the lines (including comments) between
# Begin SIS IPS and # End SIS IPS in files /etc/init.d/boot.local and /etc/init.d/halt.local.
8Type and run the following command to remove the definitions from the native package database:
9Run the following command to reboot the computer: init 6
Uninstalling HP-UX agents manually
You can manually uninstall
To uninstall
1Open a Terminal window on the computer that runs the agent to uninstall, and become superuser.
2Run the following command to determine the agent process IDs: cat /var/run/sisipsdaemon.pid
cat /var/run/sisidsdaemon.pid
3(Optional) If the process IDs do not appear, do the following to display the process IDs and stop the agent process:
Run the following commands: ps
If the agent processes are not running, continue with the next numbered step.
If either agent process is running, run the following command to stop the agent process:
4Type and run the following commands to remove the installation files: rm
rmdir /opt/Symantec (default directory) rm