Installing Symantec Critical System Protection on Windows
About installing a database to a SQL Server instance
After you install the instance of SQL Server, you must do the following:
■(SQL Server 2000) Apply SQL Server Service Pack 4.
■Select to authenticate using SQL Server credentials.
■Register the instance.
Registering the instance also starts the instance.
When you register the instance of SQL Server, you must do the following:
■Set the authentication mode to SQL Server authentication.
■Configure the connection option to log on automatically through SQL authentication with the sa account, and type the sa password.
■If registration fails due to authentication failure, display the properties available from the server messages dialog box, and type the sa password again.
After you register the instance, you must do the following:
■Use the networking utility to verify that NamedPipes and TCP/IP are enabled protocols. If they are not enabled, enable them.
You are then ready to install Symantec Critical System Protection management server.
About installing on computers that run Windows 2000
If you want to install Microsoft SQL Server and Symantec Critical System Protection management server on different computers, and if the computer on which you want to install Symantec Critical System Protection management server runs Windows 2000 Professional or Server, you must first upgrade the Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version on that computer. If you do not upgrade the MDAC version, your installation will fail.
By default, Windows 2000 Professional and Server with Service Pack 4 install MDAC version 2.5 Service Pack 3. You must upgrade MDAC on that computer to version 2.7 SP1 or higher to be compatible with the MDAC version installed by Microsoft SQL Server.
If the MDAC version is less than the required minimum, the installation will direct you to the MDAC installer on the installation CD, and then abort the installation. You must install the minimum version of MDAC, and then restart the management server installation.
You can also download the latest MDAC version from the Microsoft Web site. The Web site also makes an MDAC Component Checker available for download that tells you what version of MDAC is on your computers.