XdciV^c g d[ i]Z Y^i^dcZgh! dcanjhZ
Zh# HjX] X]VbWZg
- fig.24.
jgZ VcY hZaZXiZY
Operating the control panel
I]ZgZY®LViZgiVc`Zbein¯a^\]i^hÅVh]^c\ - fig.11/i]ZlViZgiVc`^hZbein#;^aai]ZlViZgiVc`VcYegZhhi]Z®D@¯ EN Wjiidc[dgi]Za^\]iidhl^iX]d[[#HZZeVgV\gVe]®;^aa^c\i]ZlViZgiVc`Yjg^c\jhZ¯
I]Z dgVc\Z ®6ci^"hXVaZ¯ a^\]i ^h ÅVh]^c\ - fig.12/ bV^ciZcVcXZ ^h gZfj^gZY! hZZ eVgV\gVe] ®BV^ciZcVcXZ VcY DE XaZVc^c\¯#
NdjghiZVb\ZcZgVidgXdbZhl^i]VcVjidbVi^Xh]ji"d[[hnhiZbV[iZgVeegdm^bViZan b^cjiZhl^i]djijhZ#Dcani]Z FR | |
WajZa^\]id[i]Z®DC"D;;¯Wjiidc^hÅVh]^c\/i]ZhiZVb\ZcZgVidg^hdchiVcYWn#EgZhhi]Z®DC"D;;¯Wjiidc - fig.8 |
dgi]ZhiZVbh]diWjiidcidhiVgi^gdc^c\V\V^c#HZZeVgV\gVe]®6JID"D;;¯HnhiZb# | NL |
Use |
| ES | |
Steam ironing |
| PT | ||
| ||||
| ||
IddWiV^chiZVb!egZhhi]ZhiZVbXdcigdaWjiidcjcYZgi]Z^gdc]VcYaZ- fig.13. I]Z | Do not place the iron on a |
| |||||||||||||
hiZVbl^aahidel]ZcndjgZaZVhZi]ZWjiidc# |
| metal support.When taking | IT | ||||||||||
6[iZg Veegdm^bViZan dcZ b^cjiZ! gZ\jaVgan l]^aZ ^i ^h WZ^c\ jhZY! ndjg hiZVb | a break from ironing, always | ||||||||||||||
\ZcZgVidg¼hZaZXig^Xejbe^c_ZXihlViZg^cidi]ZWd^aZg#>ibV`ZhVcd^hZWjii]^h^h | place the iron on the iron rest | DA | |||||||||||||
fj^iZcdgbVa# |
| plate of the unit. It is equipped | ||||
| with |
| ||||
>[ndjVgZjh^c\hiVgX]!ValVnhhegVn^idcidi]ZgZkZghZh^YZd[i]Z[VWg^XidWZ^gdcZY# | designed to withstand high | NO | |||||||||||||
| temperatures. | ||||
Smart Technology Auto Control |
| SV | |||||||
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
Ndjg hiZVb \ZcZgVidg ^h ÄiiZY l^i] HB6GI I:8=CDAD<N 6JID 8DCIGDA ZaZXigdc^X |
| FI | ||||||||||||
gZ\jaVi^dcl]^X]\^kZhndjVX]d^XZd[i]gZZdei^bjbiZbeZgVijgZVcYhiZVbXdbW^cVi^dch# |
| |||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||
| |||||||
Settings | Recommended use |
| Labelling |
| Examples |
| TR | |||||||
| ||||
NORMAL | 7Zhi[dgVaa |
| 8diidc!ldda!h^a`!edanZhiZg!XVh]bZgZ!bd]V^g! |
| EL | ||||
hiVcYVgYa^cZc |
| k^hXdhZ!VcYhnci]Zi^X$Xdiidcb^mZh |
| |||||||||
| |||||||||
| PL | |
| I]ZbdhiZ[[ZXi^kZ[dg |
| |||||
| |||||
i]^X`dgY^[ÄXjaiid^gdc |
| A^cZc!i]^X`Xdiidc!_ZVchYVg`Xdadjgh |
| |||||||
?ZVch |
| CS | ||||||||
[VWg^Xh |
| ||||
| ||||
| |||
| KZgn\ZciaZ![dgi]Zbdhi |
| 6XZiViZ!ZaVhiVcZ!edanVb^YZ!VXgna^XVcYhnci]Zi^X |
| SK | |||||||
| b^mZh |
| |||||||
YZa^XViZ^iZbhVcYhZch^" |
| |||||||
9Za^XViZh |
| Note: do not use steam to iron acrylic or |
| |||||||||
i^kZXdadjgh |
| HU | ||||||
| modacrylic fabrics. |
| ||||
| ||
| SL | |
Warning, fabrics with the symbol | are not suitable for ironing. |
| During first use or if | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
HiVgil^i]i]Z[VWg^XhidWZ^gdcZYViVadliZbeZgVijgZVcYÄc^h]l^i]i]dhZi]VicZZY]^\]Zg | you have not used the | RU | |||||||||||||
iZbeZgVijgZ# |
| steam function for a few | |||
| minutes, press the steam |
| |||
L]ZcndjhZaZXiV]^\]ZgiZbeZgVijgZ!ndjXVcXdci^cjZid^gdc# |
| |||||||||||||
| control button several |
| |||||||||||||
>[ndjVgZ^cYdjWiVWdjii]ZineZd[[VWg^XVc^iZbd[Xadi]^c\^hbVYZ[gdb!X]ZX`i]ZaVWZa# | UK | ||||||||||||||
times in a row | |||||||||||||||
>[ ndj VgZ ^gdc^c\ lddaaZc \VgbZcih! egZhh gZeZViZYan dc i]Z hiZVb h]di Wjiidc - fig.13 | - fig.13 holding the iron |
| |||||||||||||
l^i]djieaVX^c\i]Z^gdcdci]Z\VgbZci#I]^hl^aaVkd^Y^iWZXdb^c\h]^cn# |
| away from your laundry. | HR | ||||||||||||
I]Z ®:8D¯ [jcXi^dc Vaadlh ndj id gZYjXZ ZcZg\n Xdchjbei^dc [dg i]Z hZaZXiZY | This will remove the cold | ||||||||||||||
water from the steam |
| ||||||||||||||
bdYZ# Id X]Vc\Z id ®:8D¯ bdYZ! hZaZXi MIN9:A>86I:$ NORMAL $ circuit. | RO | ||||||||||||||
MAX?:6CHbdYZVcYi]ZcegZhhi]Z®:8D¯Wjiidc#IdZm^i®:8D¯bdYZ!egZhh |
| ||||||||||||
i]Z®:8D¯WjiidcV\V^c# |
| SR | |||||
Vertical steam ironing |
| BG | ||||
| |||||
| |||||
GZXdbbZcY i^dch/[dg | =Vc\i]Z\VgbZcidcVXdVi]Vc\ZgVcY]daYi]Z[VWg^Xha^\]ianiVjil^i]dcZ]VcY# |
| |||||||||||||
fabrics other than linen | 6hhiZ b^hkZgn]di/cZkZg | iiZbeiidgZbdkZXgZ hZh[gdb \ gbZcil]^aZ^i^h ET | |||||||||||||
or cotton, hold the iron a | being worn, always hang garments on a coat hanger. |
| |||||||||||
few centimetres from the | =daY^c\i]Z^gdc^cVkZgi^XVaedh^i^dc- fig.13i^aiZYha^\]ian[dglVgYh!egZhhgZeZViZYan | LT | |||||||||||||
garment to avoid burning | |||||||||||||||
dci]ZhiZVbXdcigdaWjiidcjcYZgcZVi]i]Z^gdc]VcYaZbdk^c\i]Z^gdc[gdbide |
| ||||||||||||||
the fabric. |
| ||||||||||||
| idWdiidb- fig.14. |
| LV | ||||||
1800126472 GV89XX E0.INDD 75 | 08/02/13 12:16 |