AD007User Manual ix
This manual contains information about installing and configuring
the AD007GPIB-LAN Adapter.This manual is also in Acrobat
format on the CD-ROM disc.
HGettingStarted describes the AD007 adapter a nd howt o install
the adapter on 10/100Base-T Ethernet.
HOperatingBasics contains information on how to use the web
pages in the adapter to monitor, reconfigure, or test the flow of
communications through the adapter, and how to set up a network
HReference provides special diagnostic and setup procedures.
HAppendices contains specifications, applicabl e network protocols,
and troubleshooting information.
HAGlossary and Index appear at the end of the manual.

Related Manualsand Information

Referto the following manuals for information regardingrelated
products, manuals, and programming specifications.
HThe ReadThis First guide (071-0246-XX) contains i nformation
to give to your network administrator for setting up the adapter
on the network.
HThe WaveStarUser Manual (071-0220-XX) is also in Acrobat
PDFforma t on the CD-ROM disc.
Generalinformation and specifications for VirtualInstrument
Software Architecture (VISA) is available from the web site of the
VXIplug&playSystems Alliance at: