24 AD007User Manual
9. Open the location of the AD007 adapter using the IP address that
you decoded:
http://AD007 IP address/
10.Go to the Network Setup page
11. If you are prompted for a user name and password, you can
ignore the user name and enter the password. The factory default
passwordi sad007 (lowerc ase a, lowercase d, zero, zero, 7).
12.Enter the sta tic IP address assigned by your network administra-
13.Set DHCP o ff.
14.Click on Submit.
15.Reboot your adapte r by disconnecting and reconnecting the
power,or go to t he Home page and click on Reboot.
16.To verify that the network installationis complete, perform the
procedureto access the web page interface on page26.
17.After you have verified access to the web pages,continue on with
the rest of the procedures in the Getting Startedsection.