Appendix A: Specifications
58 AD007User ManualTable9: Power supply certifications and compliances (cont.)
PollutionDegree Ameasure of the contaminates that could occur in the
environmentaround and within a product. Typically the internal
environmentinside a product is considered to be the same as the
external.Products should be used only in the environment for
whichthey are rated.
PollutionDegree 1
Nopollution or only dry, nonconductive pollutionoccurs.
Productsin this category are generally encapsulated,
hermeticallysealed, or located in clean rooms.
PollutionDegree 2
Normallyonly dry, nonconductive pollution occurs.
Occasionallya temporary conductivity that is caused by
condensationmust be expected. This locationis a typical
office/homeenvironment. Temporarycondensation occurs
onlywhen the product is out of service.
Safety Certification Complian ce
+5to +45_C
EquipmentType Testand measuring
SafetyClass Class1 (as defined in IEC 1010-1, Annex H) -- grounded product
OvervoltageCategory OvervoltageCategory II (as defined in IEC 1010 -1, Annex J)
PollutionDegree PollutionDegree 2 (as defined in IEC 1010-1). Note: Rated for
indooruse only.