AD007User Manual 11
Tocontac t your network administrator or network services, do these
1. Find the Ethernet hardware address on the back of the AD007
adapter (Figure 5) and copy it onto the card. Each AD007 adapter
has a unique Ethernet hardware address.
Ethernethardware address
Figure5: Ethernet hardware address
2. Give both copies of the card to the network administrator who
will assign an IP Address and fill out any other necessary
3. Forease of setup, request that the Network Administratorassign a
staticIP address. The Ethe rnet hardware address should be
mappedto this static IP address. If thereis a DHCP/BOOTP
server,i t shouldserve t he same (static) IP address each time it is
4. If for some reason youc annot get a static IP address assigned, use
adynamic IPaddress that is allocated by the DHCP/BOOTP
server.However, note that additionalsetup time is required if the
server allocates a different IP address to the adapter and you do
not have DNS.
The network administrator should retain one copy of the card and t he
user should retain the other.