AD007User Manual 55
Appendix A: SpecificationsAllspecifications listed in Table 7 are warranted unlessmarked as
Table7: General specifications
AD007input voltage and current 5VDC, 300 mA typical
Powersupply output 5VDC, useonly the power supply provided
DCconnector polarity Centerterminal, +
Outerring, --
Tables8 through 9 l ist the certifications and compliances for the
AD007a dapter and standard accessory power supply.
Table8: AD007 certifications and compliances
ECDeclaration of
Conformity-- EMC
Meetsintent of Directive 89/336/EEC for Electromagnetic
Compatibility. Compliance was demonstrated t o the following
specificationsas listed in the OfficialJournal of the European
EN55011 ClassA Radiated and Conducted Emissions
EN1000 -3-2 ACPower Line Harmonic Emissions
EN50082 -1Immunity:
IEC1000 -4-2 ElectrostaticDischarge Immunity
IEC1000 -4-3 RFElectromagnetic Field Immunity
IEC1000 -4-4 ElectricalFast Transient/Burst Immunity
IEC1000 -4-5 PowerLine Surge Immunity
IEC1000 -4-6 RFConducted Immunity
IEC1000 -4-11 Line Dropout/Dips Immunity