AD007User Manual 41
The Statisticspage allows you to view the activityof the network
andGPIB communications interfaces and to view a systemlog of
Network Statistics
The Network Statistics shows the following counts:
HTx --packets transmittedsuccessfully
HRx --packets received successfully
HCollisions--collisions detected
HTx Errors-- packetstransmitted with error
HRxErrors -- packetsreceived with error
GPIB Statistics
The GPIB Statistics showst he following counts:
HRx -- data received
HRxErrors -- data receivedwith errors
HTx --data transmitted
HTx Errors-- data transmittedwith errors
HCmd --commandssent
HCmdErrors -- errorsresulting from commands
HPrint-- print datareceived
HPrint Errors --printdata with errors
Toidenti fym ore technical system issues, view the System Log
Toreset the statistics to zero, click Reset.