30 AD007User Manual
Configuring TekVISAResources
Run the TekVISAResource Manage r Configuration program to
configureTekVISA preferences,locate, and add instruments.
1. Right-mouse click on the yellow VISA icon in the Taskbar
notificationarea to display a pop--upmenu. This icon was
installedas part of the TekVISA installation.If this icon is not
present,select Start >Programs >Te kVIS A >TekVI SA
Configuration and wait for the icon to a ppear in the Taskbar
2. SelectPreferences to display the TekVISA Resource Manager
Preferencesdialog. Use the dialog to specify which communica-
tion ports and how often you want TekVISAt o search for
instruments. The search preferences have different settings
depending on whether TekVISAi si nstalled on a Windows-based
oscilloscopeor a PC. Pressing the DefaultPreferences button on
the Preferencesdialog will set the configuration utility to
automatically search for instruments on RS-232, LAN and GPIB
Once the appropriate selections are made on this dialog, select
OK to closethe Preferences dialog.
3. From the yellow TekVISA icon pop-up menu, select Refresh to
refresh connected instrument information.
4. From the yellow TekVISA icon pop-up menu, select
Configure... to display the TekVISA Resource Manager
Configurationdialog. Wait until the messageStat us: Ready is
displayed in the lower left corner.
5. Checkthat the instrument you want to communicate with is listed
in the TekVISAResources field. If the LAN-connec ted
instrumentwith which you want to communicate is not listed, do
the followingsteps to add an instrument to the Remote Host List: