2AD007User Manual
WaveStarfor Oscilloscopes
The AD007adapter together with the optional WaveStarfor
Oscilloscopessoftware providesa complete solution for users with
TektronixTDS Series oscilloscopeswith GPIB interfaces. The
softwareprovides a powerful, easy-to-useinterface for controlling
instruments, displaying data and waveforms, and sending print jobs
to any local or network printer. See System Requirements on page 3
forinformation on what systems can run WaveStarfor Oscilloscopes.
Afree 30-day demo of WaveStar for Oscilloscopesis included on the
TektronixSoftware Solutions installation CD.
TektronixVISA and VISA Configuration Utility
The VirtualInstrument SoftwareArchitecture (VISA) standard,
developedby the VXIplug&play Systems Alliance,provides a
common Input/Output (I/O) library for software developers so that
software from different vendors can run on the same platform.
Except for direct GPIB-to-network printing, all applications that
communicate over the network to the AD007 adapter must use the
Tektronixve rsion of VISA(TekVISA). See the AD007 section in the
TektronixSoftware Solutions Installation manual (Tektronix part
number 071--1140--01) for instructions on loading TekVISA on
your PC.
The TekVISAsoftware includesa utility to help you configure the
VirtualInstrume nt Software Architecture (VISA) resources. The
TekVISAResource ManagerConfiguration utility allows you to add
or remove remote hosts (such as one or more AD007a dapters). For
more information about using the configuration utility, see page 30.