AD007User Manual 15
SetupProcedure 2 - Stand-Alone Operation
If the following conditions are true, you can manually set up t he
adapter to work with a stand-alone PC.
HYouwant to set up the adapter apart from a network.
HThe stand-alone PC does not have the appropriate settings and
connections to access the web pages on the adapter.
NOTE. Stand-alone operation requiresa P C 10/100BaseT Ethernet
cardand an E thernet hub, crossover cable, or crossover adapter.
(The crossovercable or adapter is specifically designed for
connecting two nodes without a hub.)
Toset the IP addre ssin t he adapter, do these steps:
1. Disconnect any cable that is currently connected t o the adapter.
2. Poweron the adapter and wait for the self test to complete. After
the self test is complete, the following states apply:
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (3 0s eco nd se lf -te st, li gh ts bli nk am ber ) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
------ ---- ----(Self test pass,indicators momentarily blinkgreen) -- ------ ---- --
Off Off Red Green
3. Locate the reset button on the bottom of the adapter. (For the
location of the reset button, see Figure 11 on page 48.)
4. Using a small tool or end of a paper clip, momentarily push in the
reset button. This action loads the last known IP address. (For a
new adapter, the last known address is the factory default IP
address of