AD007User Manual 1
Getting StartedThis section contains an overview of the AD007 GPIB-LAN Adapter
and provides instructions on how to install the adapter and the
Product Description
The AD007adapter allows GPIB devices to talk or listento
networked computers and peripherals through a 10/100BaseT
Ethernet connection.
HGPIB(IE EE 488.2) and 10/100BaseT Ethernet (IEEE 802.3)
HEasy setup with DHCP/BOOTP ser ver
HLED status indicators for power, LAN,a ndGPIB connect ions
HWebpage i nterface for configuration and statistics
HVirtualInstrume nt Software Architecture (TekVISA)software
with language interface libraries for progra mmers using
Microsoft VisualBasic or Microsoft Visual C/C++
HConfigurationutility for setting up additional VISAresources
HSoftwareinstallation allowed on any number of PCs
HFree firmware updates over the Internet with the AD007 Update
HPrintdirectly from GPIB devices to a network printer
HControl up to 14 GPIB devices over an Ethernet connection
HCapturewaveforms with optional WaveStarfor Oscilloscopes
software from Tektronix