Appendix C: Interface Sp ecifications
OA 5000 Series User Manual A --- 9
The OA 5000 supports many GPIBfunction subsets, as listed below. Some
of the listingsdescribe subsets that the OA 5000 does not support.
HSH1 (Source Handshake). The OA 5000 can transmit multi-linemes-
sages across the GPIB.
HAH1 (Acceptor Handshake). The OA 5000 can receive multi-linemes-
sages across the GPIB.
HT6 (Talker).The OA 5000 becomes a talker when its talk address is sent
with the ATN(Attention) line asserted. It ceases to be a talker when
another devices talk address is sent with ATNasserted. The OA 5000
has no talk-only capability.
HL4 (Listener). The OA 5000 becomesa listener when its listen address is
sent with the ATN(Attention) line asserted. The OA 5000 does not have
listen-only capability.
HSRQ (Service Request). The OA 5000 asserts the SRQ (ServiceRe -
quest) line to notifythe controller when it requires service.
HRL1 (Remote/Local). The OA5000 responds to both the GTL (Go To
Local) and LLO(Local Lock Out) interface messages.
HPPO (ParallelPoll). The OA 5000 has no parallel poll capability. It does
not respond tothe following interface messages: PPC, PPD, PPE, and
PPU.The OA 5000 does not send out a status message when the ATN
(Attention) and EOI (End ofInstruction) lines are asserted simultaneous-
HDCL (Device Clear). When acting as a listener,the OA 5000 responds to
the DCL (Device Clear) and SDC (Selected Device Clear) interface
HDT (Device Trigger).The OA 5000 does not respond to the GET (Group
Execute Trigger)interface message.
HC0 (Controller). The OA5000 cannot control other devices.
HE2 (Electrical). The OA 5000 uses tri-statebuffers to provide optimal
high-speed data transfer.
GPIB FunctionSubsets