OA 5000 Series User Manual i
Congratulationson your purchase of an OA 5000 Series Optical Attenuator.
The OA 5000 Series OpticalAttenuators are high-performance instruments
used to attenuate opticalsignals. The OA 5000 Series consists of four instru-
ments, the OA 5002, OA 5012, OA 5022, and OA 5032. The major difference
between the models is the opticalfiber connection. The OA 5002 is used
with single-mode fiber;the OA 5012, with 50 m multimode fiber; the
OA 5022, with 62.5 m multimode fiber;and the OA 5032, w ith100 mfiber.
Some of the outstandingcharacteristics of the OA 5000 Series are:
HAttenuation to 60 dB — the OA5000 can attenuate signals up to 60 dB
in steps of 0.01 dB. A shutter provides greater than 100 dB attenuation
for the OA 5002, OA 5012, and OA 5022. The shutter provides greater
than 90 dB attenuation for the OA5032.
H600 nm to 1700 nm calibrated spectralresponse in one unit.
HLinear response within±0. 05 dB.
HAbility to store attenuation levels, wh ich is useful for repeat measure-
HGPIB Programmable— the OA 5000 Series conforms to IEEE Std 488.2.
HModels for both Single and Multimode Fiber.