Appendix B: Specifications
OA 5000 Series User Manual A --- 5
TableA-3: Environmental Performance (cont.)
Characteristic Specificatio n
Operating and
95% RH: 11_Cto30_C (52_Fto86_F)
75% RH: 11_Cto40_C (52_Fto104_F)
45% RH: 11_Cto50_C (52_Fto122_F)
(Exceeds MIL---T---28800D, Class 5, noncon-
Vibration10.38 mm (0.015 in.) p-p, 5 Hz to 55 Hz, 75 min-
utes. Meets MIL---T---28800D, Class 5, when
installed in qualified power modules2.
1Requires retainer clip
2Referto TM5000 Power Module specifications
3Withoutpower module
Shock130 g’s, (1/2 sine), 11 ms duration, 3 shocks in
each direction along3 major axes, 18 total
shocks. Meets MIL---T---28800D, Class 5, when
installed in qualified power modules.
Bench Handling312 drops from 45_, 4 in. or equilibrium, whichev -
er occurs first. Meets MIL---T---28800D, Class 5,
when installed in qualified power module s2,and
IEC 348 (Electronic measuringapparatus).
Packaged ProductV i-
bration and Shock1
The packaged product qualifies under the Na-
tional Safe TransitAssociation’s Preshipment
TestProcedures, Project 1A---B---1and
1A --- B --- 2 .
Electrical Discharge 8 kV maximum discharge applied to operating
instrument from an ESD source per IEC 801---2
(150 Ω/150 pF)
1Requires retainer clip
2Referto TM5000 Power Module specifications
3Withoutpower module