Status and Events
3 --- 3 6
Table3-8: SESRBit Functions
Bit Function
7 (MSB) PON (Power On). Shows that the OA5000 w as powered on.
6URQ (User Request). Shows that the Remote button was
5CME (Command Error). Shows that an error occurred while
the OA 5000 was parsing a command or query.Command
error messages are listed inTable 3-11 on page 3---41.
4EXE (Execution Error). Shows that an error occurredw hile
the OA 5000 was executing a command or query.Execution
error messages are listed inTable 3-12 on page 3---42.
3DDE (Device Error). Shows that a device error occurred. De-
vice error messages are listedin Table 3-13 on page 3---43.
2QYE (Query Error). Shows that either an attempt was made
to read the Output Queue when no data was present or
pending, or that data in the Output Queuew as lost.
1RQC (Request Control). Notused.
0(LSB) OPC (OperationComplete). Shows that the operation is com-
plete. This bit is set bythe *OPC command.
The Status Byte Register (SBR) —shown in Figure 3-7, records wheth-
er output is availablein the Output Queue, whether the OA 5000 requests
service, and whether the SESR has recorded any events.
Use a Serial Pollor the *STB? query to read the contents of the SBR. Refer
to Table3-9. The bits in the SBR are set and cleared depending on the
contents of the SESR, the Event Status Enable Register (ESER), and the
Output Queue. (When you use a SerialPoll to obtain the SBR, bit 6 is the
RQS bit. When you use the *STB? queryto obtain the SBR, bit 6 is the MSS
Figure 3-7: TheStatus Byte Register (SBR)