OA 5000 Series User Manual 3 --- 5
Command SyntaxYoucan control the OA 5000 through the GPIB using a large group of com-
mands and queries. This section describesthe syntax these commands and
queries use and the conventionsthe OA 5000 uses to process them. The
commands and queries themselves are listedin the section entitled Com-
Youtransmit commands to the OA 5000 using the enhanced American
Standard Code for InformationInterchange (ASCII) character encoding.
Appendix C includes a chart ofthe ASCII character set.
This manual uses Backus-Naur Form(BNF) notation and syntax diagrams to
describe commands and queries. The syntax diagramsfollow the notations
and conventions ofthe ANSI/IEEE Std 488. 2-1987, section7. 2.
This manual uses the followingBNF symbols listed in Table 3-1.
Table3-1: BNF Symbolsand Meanings
Symbol Meaning
<> Defined element
::= Is Defined As
|Exclusive OR
{} Group; one element is required
[] Optional;can be omitted
... Previous element(s)may be repeated
() Comment
Youcan stop any query or process by using the Device Clear (DCL) GPIB
interface message.