3 --- 3 2
<NRf> specifies the attenuationvalue to be stored. The range for the attenu-
ation value is0 <NRf> 60. 00. Allattenuation values associated with the
STORe command and query formsare in absolute dB and never include the
REFERENCE value, even if the frontpanel display shows that the OA 5000 is
set to ATT-REFmode.
returns the attenuation value storedin register 1, in the form:.
STORE1 20.00
sets the attenuation value instored register 1 to 20.00 dB.
stores the current attenuation valuein stored register 2.
*TST? (Query Only)
The *TST? (Self-Test)query runs the OA 5000 internal self-test and reports
the results. The self-test doesnot require operator interaction and does not
create bus conditionsthat violate IEEE Std 488.1/488.2 standards. When
complete, the OA 5000 returns to the state itw as inj ust priorto the self-test.
The test response is a value <NR1> as describedin Table 3-7.
*TST ?
The *TST? query can take 5 s econds or more to respond.
Table3-7: Resul tsf rom *TST?
<NR1> Meaning
0Testcompleted with no errors detected
101, 102 ROM checksum error
104 Non-volatile RAM is bad
115 System timer is bad
401 CalibrationEEPROM is bad
410, 411 Calibrationneeded