OA 5000 Series User Manual 3 --- 1 1
Symbol Meaning
<NR1> Signed integer value
<NR2> Floatingpoint value without an exponent
<NR3> Floatingpoint value with an exponent
<NRf> Flexiblenumeric argument {NR1|NR2|NR3}. A suffix com-
posed of a multiplier(letter exponent) and units may be used
as an alternate to NR3. For example, this numeric typew ould
let you use “10nm”as an alternate to “10E---9m”
The syntax diagrams in thismanual use the following symbols and notation:
HCircles and ovalscontain literal elements that must be sent exactly as
shown. Command and query names are abbreviated to the minimum
required spelling.
HBoxes contain the definedelements described earlier in this section,
such as <NRf> or <QString>.
HArrows connect the elements and show the allowedpaths through the
diagram. This also shows the differentorders in which the elements can
be sent. Parallelpaths show that one and only one of the paths must be
taken. A path around a group of elements shows that those elements
are optional. Loopsshow elements that can be repeated.
Figure 3-5 shows the structure of a few typicalsyntax diagrams.
Figure3-5: TypicalSyntax Diagrams
Syntax Diagrams