Appendix G: Product Verification
OA 5000 Series User Manual A --- 2 3
Step 1: Push the MODEbutton until ATT is backlit and -REF is not
backlit (these LEDs are green);
HThe MODE button itselfshould now be backlit (this LED is red).
Step 2: Push the MIN ATTbutton; this will cause the instrument to
adjust to zero dB (a few seconds may be needed to completethe ad -
justment if the previous setting was non-zero).
HThe MIN ATTbutton should itself be backlit
H0.00 should be displayedin the ATTENUATION(dB) display
Step 3: Push the SET REF button.
HThe SET REF button shouldnow be backlit;the MODEbutton
should not be backlit.
HCheck that the WAVELENGTH(nm)display is showing “SEt”.
Step 4: Adjust the numerical value displayedin the ATTENUATION(dB)
display by manipulatingthe CO ARSE and FINE knobs; the coarse knob
should increment ordecrement the value by 1 dB per detent; the fine
knob should increment ordecrement the value by 0.01 dB.
HSet the display to read “--10.00”
HPush the SET REF buttonagain; the button will then be unlit and the
MODE should now be litwith the ATT only backlit.
Step 5: Push the MODEonce again.
HCheck to see that “ATT”and “---R E F ”are both backlit
HThe ATTENUATION(dB)display should now read “10.00”(This is
because ATT=0.00;REF=---10.00;hence, the result
HPushing the MODE button repeatedly will toggle the “--- R E F ”back-
lighting onand off and the displayed attenuation will toggle between
“0.00”and “10.00”
HSet the MODE so that the “ATT”only is backlit before going to the
next step.
Step 6: Push the WAVELENGTH button once.
HThe ATTENUATION(dB)display should read “SEt”and the
WAVELENGTH button will be backlit.
HThe COARSE and FINE knobs increment or decrement the value
displayed inthe WAVELENGTH(nm) display; the coarse knob should
increment or decrement the wavelength value by10 nm; the fine
knob should increment ordecrement the value by 1 nm.
Display Modes