OA 5000 Series User Manual 3 --- 1 9
The *CLS command clears
Hthe Event Queue,
Hthe Standard Event Status Register (SESR), and
Hthe Status Byte Register (except the MAV bit;see below).
If the *CLS command immediatelyfollows an <EOI>, the Output Queue and
MAV bit (Status Byte Registerbit 4) are also cleared. MAV indicates informa-
tion is inthe output queue. D CLw illclear the output queue and thus MAV.
*CLS does not clearthe output queue or MAV. (A complete discussion of
these registers and bits and of event handlingin general is on page 3 ---35.)
DESEThe DESE (Device Event Status Enable) command sets and queries the bits
in the Device Event Status Enable Register (DESER). The DESER prevents
events from being reported tothe Standard Event Status Register (SESR)
and from being entered intothe Event Queue. For a complete discussion of
the use of these registers, see page 3---35.
<Space> <NRf>
<NRf> is a value in the range from0 to 255. The binary bits of the DESER
are set according to thisvalue. For example, DESE 209 sets the DESER to
the binary value 11010001 (that is, the firstbit in the register is set to 1, the
second bit to 1, the third bit to 0, etc.).
The power-ondefault for DESER is all bits set if *PSC is 1. If *PSC is 0, the
DESER maintains its value througha power cycle.
Setting the DESER and the ESER to the same value allows only
those codes to be entered into the Event Queue and summarized
on the ESB bit (bit 5) of the Status Byte Register. Use the *ESE
command to set the ESER. A complete discussion of event handl-
in g is on p a g e 3 --- 3 5 .
Related Commands: