A QuickTour
OA 5000 Series User Manual 1 --- 5
Check the ATTENUATIONreadout and verify that it is set to 10.00 dB.
Step 12: Press RECALL 2.
Check the ATTENUATIONreadout and verify that it is set to 21.50 dB.
The SET REF button allowsyou to set a reference value for the attenuation.
Youcan then measure attenuation relative to this set value.
Step 13: Press MIN ATT.
This sets the OA 5000 to 0 dB attenuation.
Step 14: Press the SET REF button.
The word SET will appear inthe w avelengthdisplay. The reference value
can now be adjusted with the COARSE and FINE knobs.
Step 15: Adjust the reference value for ---8.00dB using the COARSE
and FINE knobs.
Step 16: Press the SET REF buttonto accept the displayedvalue. The
display willreturn tonormal.
Step 17: Press the MODEbutton.
Notice that the --R EF indicatoris lit, indicating that the attenuation
display isnow displaying attenuation relative to a reference value. The
attenuation displayshows 8.00 dB and the MIN ATT button is lit.
Step 18: Using the COARSE knob, adjust the attenuation to 10.00 dB.
Step 19: Press the MIN ATTbutton. Check that the attenuation readout
has changed to 8.00 dB and the MIN ATTbutton is lit.
The attenuation displayreads 8.00 dB, instead of0. 00 dB, because the
display isstill in reference mode and the reference value is ( ---8.00).
Pressing MINATT will set the OA 5000 to 0.00 dB only if the display is
not in reference mode orthe reference value is 0.00 dB.
Step 20: Recall the first storedsetting by pressing RECALL 1.
Remember that you set STORE 1 to 10.00 dB. Note that the attenuation
readout is 18.00 dB. The display shows the value:10.00 ---( ---8.00)=
18.00 dB.
Setting a ReferenceValue