First Steps with
Tutorial 2: The Calculator Application
Many of the handheld’s keys provide templates to enable you to enter a range of mathematical expressions. For example, in this tutorial you have used the keys /q for square roots and l for powers. In both cases a small box appears in the expression inviting you to enter values. Some care is necessary when entering more complex expressions using such templates.
For example, try entering √3+√5. In order to move out of the box after entering 3 you need to press either e or ¢. This explains the use of ¢ in the key sequence in part b above.
More complex templates are available from the Maths Templates Menu that can be opened by pressing t.
To make a selection from this menu you need to move the highlight with the Touchpad and press ·.
Those options which have a bold T superimposed are not available on the numeric version of
Try using a template to produce the sums of the first 20 square numbers. You will need to use an alphabetic key such as N to enter the variable name. Press e or use the Touchpad to move from one small box to the next.
Now produce the sums of the first 20 cubic numbers. The easiest key sequence to use is (probably!):
Other useful templates are the definite integral template, and the differential at a point template.
These can also be accessed from the Calculus Menu b4.
A menu of maths templates
Derivative of |
| Integral of |
| ||
| between 1 and 5 | |
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