Variables Linked to Documents
Press h and you will see a floating menu showing all the variables that you have defined while using the current document.
When you load a different document these definitions will be replaced by those linked to that document. Make sure your list includes the variables g, h, d1 and d2 and then save the document, giving it the name FirstSteps.
The Save As.. option is in the Documents menu so press ~15, type the filename:
and press ·.
First Steps with
Tutorial 2: The Calculator Application
List of defined variables
Check list of some key points in Tutorial 2:
•The layout of expressions often changes when they are evaluated
•Previous expressions and results can both be recalled for subsequent use
•Evaluation can be either approximate (decimals) or exact (fractions)
•How to use templates and menus
•Changing from default document settings
•Using Statistical Distribution functions
•Defining and using variables and functions
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