More Options from the Notes Menu
Mathematical expressions can be entered (and evaluated) on a Notes page.
In addition the menus in the Notes application provide:
•two templates for Q+A and Proofs
•teacher and reviewer comments
•small shapes such as ∆
Have a look at the examples of their use shown here. If you want to explore them choose the relevant options after pressing b.
Use of Q+A template
First Steps with
Tutorial 3: The Notes application
An inserted comment
Use of proof template and symbols
Interactive Notes
A powerful feature of the Notes page is something called Interactive Notes. These enable you to create dynamic calculations. Unlike the Calculator page, which when you carry out a calculation gives an answer which will not update, the MathsBox within the Notes page is dynamic.
Add a new Notes page by pressing:
/~6. For this simple example we will create a function calculator.
To do this simply add a MathsBox (b31 or /M) and enter the calculation exactly as you would have done on the Calculator page (i.e. the bold text in the image). Now try editing either the function or the input value, and see how the output automatically updates.
The MathsBox attributes (b51) allows you to show just the input or output if preferred
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