•When a control code or special code is used with the bar code font specified, refer to the following table and enter the corresponding data.
In the case a caret “^” is used, enter “^^” because the caret “^” is the default function character. If the function character is changed from “^” to the other in the [User Commands] of the [Advanced Options], replace the “^” with the specified character.
Control code | Input data | Control code | Input data | Control code | Input data |
>@(00H) | N/A | >P(10H) | ^<DLE> | >0 | > |
>A(01H) | ^<SOH> | >Q(11H) | ^<DC1> | >1 | ^<DEL> |
>B(02H) | ^<STX> | >R(12H) | ^<DC2> | >2 | ^3 |
>C(03H) | ^<ETX> | >S(13H) | ^<DC3> | >3 | ^2 |
>D(04H) | ^<EOT> | >T(14H) | ^<DC4> | >4 | ^s or ^S |
>E(05H) | ^<ENQ> | >U(15H) | ^<NAK> | >5 | ^c or ^C |
>F(06H) | ^<ACK> | >V(16H) | ^<SYN> | >6 | ^b or ^B |
>G(07H) | ^<BEL> | >W(17H) | ^<ETB> | >7 | ^a or ^A |
>H(08H) | ^<BS> | >X(18H) | ^<CAN> | >8 | ^1 |
>I(09H) | ^<HT> | >Y(19H) | ^<EM> |
>J(0AH) | ^<LF> | >Z(1AH) | ^<SUB> |
>K(0BH) | ^<VT> | >[(1BH) | ^<ESC> |
>L(0CH) | ^<FF> | >¥(1CH) | ^<FS> |
>M(0DH) | ^<CR> | >](1DH) | ^<GS> |
>N(0EH) | ^<SO> | >^(1EH) | ^<RS> |
>O(0FH) | ^<SI> | >_(1FH) | ^<US> |
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