3.19 Sound/Modem/LAN Test 3 Tests and Diagnostics
Subtest 04 Modem
(a) Select 4 to execute and press Enter. The following message will appear:
ICHX MDC Test Program with Modem Sound ( PCB Interface )
Version X.X
* Scorpio Modem Initialize :OK
* Digital Loopback Test :OK
* Modem Sound Test :( Operator’s Check!! )
(b) After a few seconds, the following message will appear:
...Press Key ( Y = OK , N =NG )
If you hear the modem sound from the speakers, press Y. Otherwise, press N.
NOTE: The menu displayed by your computer may be slightly different from the one
shown above.
(c) After you press Y or N, the RJ11 Connection Check (LED) (Operator’s Check LED)
test will execute, and the following message will appear:
...Press Key ( Y = OK , N =NG )
If the color in the LED of the connection checker is orange, press Y. Otherwise, press
Press Enter to return to Main Menu.
TECRA M2 Maintenance Manual (960-468) 3-49