

About cordless telephones  100 Accept an incoming VoIP call  63 Active chat window  57

Add a new entry in the directory  77


Basic navigation  35 Before you begin  1 Belt clip  30

Belt clip & headset (optional)  30 Buddy status window  57


Caller ID operation  80 Caller ID with call waiting  80 Call log  81

Charge handset battery  6 Chart of characters  37 Check and download the IS6110

phone software  20 Clear voice mail  54 Clock setting  49 Color scheme  47


Default settings  55

Default settings table  56

Delete a directory entry  79 Delete all call log entries  83 Delete all directory entries  79 Delete buddy history  71 Delete call log entry  83 Dialing alphanumeric phone

numbers  73 Directory  77 Display  46


Edit a directory entry  79

Ending calls on the Home line  74 Entering characters for dialing  35 Entering characters in a text field   35


FCC, ACTA and IC regulations  103 Find handset  75


Getting to know the IS6110  31


Handset charger installation  4 Handset layout  33 Handset screen display

messages  84

Handset status icons  34

Headset  30

Home call comes first  69


IM alert tone  52

Important safety instructions  102 Incoming Home call while on a VoIP

call  67

Incoming Home call while using IM in messenger  62

Incoming VoIP call while on a Home call  68

Index  106 Installation  3

Install handset battery  5

Install the IS6110 phone software  11 Install the MSN Messenger/AOL

Instant Messenger software  8 IS6110 software settings  21


Keypad backlight  53

Key tone  51


Page 111
Image 111
VTech IS6110 user manual Index