Gigabyte. A unit of measurement defining either:
■A data transfer rate. See also GBps
■A storage or memory capacity of 1,073,741,824 (230) bytes.
Gigabytes per second. A measurement of the rate at which the transfer of bytes of data occurs. A GBps is a transfer rate of 1,000,000,000 (109) bits per second.
See also GB.
Giga (G)
The notation to represent 109 or 1 billion (1,000,000,000).
Host Bus Adapter.
See FCA.
A system that has data path access to the virtual disk through a logical unit number (LUN) defined on the system.
Host Bus Adapter
See FCA.
host computer
See host.
host ports
A connection point to one or more hosts through a Fibre Channel fabric. A host is a computer that runs user applications and that uses (or can potentially use) one or more of the virtual disks that are created and presented by the controller pair.
host-side ports
See host ports.
hp StorageWorks
The hp trademarked name used to describe the set of
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