300 Index
Headphones. See PHONES Height, 01V dimensions 271 HIGH button 63
HOME page 2 83 HOME page 3 84 HOME page 4 84 HOME page 5 85
Home page, Yamaha web site 291 HPF 62
Implementation chart, MIDI 290 INC button 31
INC/DEC SCENE RECALL, preference 203
Individual, pan mode 48 Initial settings, definition 294 Initializing
01V 204
internal parameter banks 194 parameter to control change
table 229
scene memory to program change table 227
user defined MIDI controllers 238
1 through 12 40
13 through 16 40
17 through 24 40 attenuator 43 aux sends 50 block diagram 60 copying settings 59 delay 45
grouping faders 55 grouping mutes 56 level setting 46 metering 83 monitoring 50 muting 46
pairing 52 panning 47 phase 42 routing 49 specifications 263 swapping inputs 51 swapping settings 59 viewing settings 57
Input jacks 20 Input meter page 83 Input swap page 51 Inputs and outputs 20 Internal parameter page 194 Interval time, MIDI bulk dump 232 Inv gang, pan mode 48
Latch, user define 238 LCD, definition 294 LED, definition 294 Level diagram 257 Level setting
aux sends 99 bus outs 109 effects returns 131 effects send masters 128 input channels 46 stereo output 90
Libraries dynamics 173 effects 132 EQ 67
LIBRARY LIST ORDER, preference 204
Line inputs 20
about 222 selecting 224 using 224
Linking 01Vs 239
Local control 234 Locate points
MMC 236
LSB, definition 294
Mains lead 11
Memory area, display 29 MEMORY page 1 186, 187, 189,
MEMORY page 2 191 MEMORY page 3 190 MEMORY page 4 192 Messages, display 258 Metering
aux sends 83 bus outs 83 effects returns 83 effects sends 86 input channels 83
main stereo output meters 84 metering point 85
omni outs 84 option I/O 85 peak hold 84 stereo output 84
Metering point page 85 Mic inputs 20
MIDI about 222
about the connectors about 23
bulk dump 232 bulk page 232 bulk setup 226 control change page 229 control change setup 225 data format 280 definition 294 implementation chart 290 linking 01Vs 239
local control 234 local control page 234 MMC 236
parameter change setup 225 parameter control 229 ports 222
program change page 227 program change setup 225 receive channel 225 receive indicators 224 scene recall 227
setup 224 setup page 224 summary 7
system exclusive parameter control 231
transmit channel 225