Znyx Networks bh5700 manual #vrrpmode blockcrossconnect

Models: bh5700

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#vrrp_mode: block_crossconnect;

The next sections determines the failover mode between the Surviving Partner switches. There are three modes:

switch - Failover by switch. Failover from Master switch to Backup on any port failure. The switch with the most links becomes the new Master. One port failure will cause the switch to failover.

vlan - Failover by VLAN. The switch with the most up links in the VLAN becomes the Master of that VLAN. When VLANs failover and all VLAN masters are not located on a common switch, the interconnect link is used to carry data traffic, and could become saturated. The use of the interconnect for data traffic in a failover situation depends on the VLAN design, from one extreme where one VLAN could contain all ports to one port per VLAN at the other extreme.

port - Failover by port. The Master switch will remain the Master until all ports in the VLAN are down. The Backup then becomes the new Master for that VLAN. Similar to VLAN failover, the interconnect link will carry data traffic in this mode, when ports failover.

failover_mode: switch;

Next, you can set VRRP_msg_rate and default priority. VRRP_msg_rate is the time in milliseconds between vrrp message transmissions over the interconnect link. The vrrp_def_priority is the default priority for both switches. The value is set to 254 and should not require change.

vrrp_msg_rate: 100; # In milliseconds

vrrp_def_priority: 254;

The following optional entries provide a mechanism to propagate files and/or startup scripts to sibling switches. An example might be startup scripts or scripts to configure gated. Example scripts are included to start gated with RIP1, RIP2, or OSPF setup. You must use absolute path names.

#start_script: Allows the user to add files and scripts that are moved

#to the slave switches when they do a zspconfig -u. An example might

#be the gated configuration script S55... Absolute path names are

#required. Multiple start_script commands can be used to move more than

#one file.

Ethernet Switch Blade User's Guide

release 3.2.2j

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Znyx Networks bh5700 manual #vrrpmode blockcrossconnect