Makita Essential Starting Instructions for Chainsaws DCS 430, 431, 520, 520i, 540, 5200, and 5200i

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Starting the engine




DCS 431






Move at least 10 feet (3 m) away from the place where you fuelled the saw.

Make sure you have a good footing, and place the saw on the ground in such a way that the chain is not touching anything. Engage the chain brake (lock).

Hold the tubular handle tightly with one hand and press the chain saw to the ground.

Steady the rear handle by standing in the hand guard.















Cold-starting the DCS 430, 431, DCS 520, DCS 540:

The carburetors of these saws have a choke valve for cold starting (mixture enrichment).

To make it easier to start, the chain saw DCS 431 is equipped with a semi-automatic starting valve (B/5). Pushing this valve in reduces the amount of compression effort needed, so that it is easier to bring the engine up to starting speed when pulling the starter cable. The high pressure increase in the combustion chamber that results from the first ignitions will automatically close the starting valve (button pops back out).

Model DCS 430, DCS 520 do not have a starting valve. Starting and carburetor adjustment are as for model DCS 431 except without the instruction "Push the starting valve".

-Put the short-circuit ignition switch in the "I" position (B/1).

-Pull out the choke (B/2).

-Depress the half-throttle lock button (B/3) half-way and hold.

-Depress the throttle (B/4) and half-throttle lock button (B/3) all the way. Release the throttle - it will now be held at half-throttle by the lock button.

-Push the starting valve (B/5) (only DCS 431).

-Slowly pull out the starter cable until you notice resistance (the piston is positioned before the top dead center).

-Now pull the starter cable with a fast and forceful movement until you hear the first ignition.

CAUTION: Do not pull out the starter cable more than approx. 50 cm, and lead it back by hand.

-When you hear the first ignition, push the choke (B/2) in. Push the starting valve again (only DCS 431) and pull the starter cable. As soon as the engine is running, press the throttle (B/4) to release the half-throttle lock (B/3), allowing the engine to idle.

CAUTION: As soon as the engine is started it must be put in idle to prevent the chain brake from being damaged.

-Now release the chain brake.

Cold-starting the DCS 520i and DCS 5200i:

The carburetors of these saws have a fuel-injection system (injection carburetor) for cold starting (mixture enrichment). These two cold-starting systems work differently.

-Put the short-circuit ignition switch in the "I" position (B/1).

-Pull out the choke (B/2) (opens the injection valve).

-Depress the half-throttle lock button (B/3) half-way and hold.

-Depress the throttle (B/4) and half-throttle lock button (B/3) all the way. Release the throttle - it will now be held at half-throttle by the lock button.

Note: If the temperature is below -15° C (5° F) start at full throttle.

-Slowly pull out the starter cable until you notice resistance (the piston is positioned before the top dead center).

-Now pull the starter cable with a fast and forceful movement until you hear the first ignition.

CAUTION: Do not pull out the starter cable more than approx. 50 cm, and lead it back by hand.

-Push in the choke (B/2) when the engine starts, or after the first audible ignitions.

-If the engine has not yet started, keep pulling the starter cable until it does.

-As soon as the engine is running, press the throttle (B/4) to release the half-throttle lock (B/3), allowing the engine to idle.

CAUTION: As soon as the engine is started it must be put in idle to prevent the chain brake from being damaged.

-Now release the chain brake.

Warm starting (all models):

-As described above for cold starting, but without using the choke (B/2). Keep the choke in.

Starting under special conditions

(MAKITA DCS 520i and DCS 5200i only):

In conditions of high ambient temperature and when the engine has been stopped for only a short period following full-load operation, if a fuel with a low boiling point is used (winter fuel), and at high altitudes especially, the heat could prevent the engine from starting immediately. If this happens, proceed as follows:

-Pull out the choke (B/2) and start the engine at half-throttle, as described for cold starting.

-When the engine has started, release the chain brake immediately and gun the engine all the way several times until it runs smoothly.

-Now push in the choke (B/2).

If the engine won’t start:

If the engine refuses to start even after a number of tries, check the spark plug (see the section on "Replacing the spark plug").

Stopping the engine



-Put the short-circuiting switch (B/1) in position "O" (STOP).


Image 22
Contents Owner’s and Safety Manual DCS 430, DCS 431, DCS 520, DCS 520i, DCS 540, DCS Contents RE YDelivery inventory SymbolsRecycling Safety precautions for chain saw operators Additional safety precautionsAnsi B175.1-1991 General Safety PrecautionsDiscription of symbols used on chain saws 45M6Use of the saw Proper clothingSaw Transporting the chain sawFueling Chain saw operating instructionsFeet Fueling instructionsWorking conditions Important adjustmentsCutting instructions Kickback Reactive forces during the cut, including kickbackSpeed of contact at which the cutter contacts the object Saw chain cutter sharpnessTo avoid kickback Depth gaugesTo avoid pushback Cutting techniquesPushback To avoid pull-inFelling instructions = cutting down areaPlunge-Cut Method Sectioning MethodBucking Limbing129 Maintenance and Repair Maintaining and storing the sawDenomination of components Identification plate 24 23 22 18DCS Technical data Mounting the guide bar and saw chain Bled it completely and inspectedEngaging the chain brake braking Chain brakeChecking the chain tension Tightening the saw chain Releasing the chain brakeFuel mixture Waste oilFuel / Refuelling Handling and storageRefuelling Adjusting the chain lubricationClean screw cap and tank after refuelling Lubricating the chainStarting the engine Checking the chain brake Adjusting the carburetorChecking the chain lubrication Chain 085 Working in winterSharpening the saw chain Chain 094, 102 / 3/8Cleaning the guide bar Files and how to work with themReplacing the suction head Cleaning the brake band and sprocket interiorReplacing/cleaning the spark arrester screen Replacing the saw chainBosch WSR 6F or NGK Bpmr 7A Cleaning the air filterReplacing the spark plug Stop Electrode gapReplacing the starter cable Mounting the fan housingReplacing the return spring Instructions for daily and periodic maintenance Service, spare parts and guaranteeMaintenance and repair Spare parts TroubleshootingGuarantee Malfunction System Observation CauseExtract from the spare parts list DCS 430 DCS 520, 520i, 540RE Y Makita DCS 430, 431, 520, 520i, 540 SommaireRecyclage SymbolesEtendue de la fourniture Porter le casque les lunettes et acoustiques de protectionMesures de sé curité supplé mentaires ’utilisateur Description des symboles figurant sur les tronç onneusesMesures gé né rales de sé curité Condition physiqueUtilisation de la tronç onneuse Quels vê tements porter?La tronç onneuse Porter le casque, les lunettes et acoustiques de protectionInstructions de ravitaillement PiedsRavitaillement en carburant Dé marrageConditions de travail Ré glages importantsInstructions de coupe Choc de recul Kickback Pour é viter le choc de recul Affû tage des plaquettes de coupe de la chaîneLes limiteurs de profondeurs Pour é viter le recul Techniques de coupeLe recul Pour é viter la tractionInstructions d’abattage = zone d’abattageMé thode de sectionnement Mé thode de coupe en plongé eEbranchage Dé bitageEntretien et ré paration Entretien et stockage de la tronç onneuseDé signation des piè ces Plaque signatique Longueur Pas Ré fé rence Caracté ristiques techniquesCombinaisons autorisé es de guides et de chaînes Models DCS 520, 520i, DCS 540, DCSMise EN Route Montage du guide et de la chaîne de sciageFrein de chaîne Enclencher le frein de chaîne bloquerManiement et stockage Carburants/ravitaillementMé lange carburant Huile de chaîne de sciageRé glage du graissage de la chaîne Remplissage des ré servoirsRespecter Imperativement LES Regles DE Securite Dé marrage à froid Makita DCS 430, 431, 520 Dé marrer le moteurDé marrage à froid Makita DCS 520i et Comportement à suivre en cas de pannesRé glage du carburateur Vé rifier le frein de chaîneVé rifier le graissage de la chaîne De sciage Marche hivernaleAffû tage de la chaîne 025 chaîne 085Nettoyer le guide de la chaîne Nouvelle chaîne de sciage Remplacement de la cré pine d’aspirationChangement / nettoyage du pare-é tincelles Ecartement des é lectrodes Remplacement de bougieNettoyage du filtre d’air Bosch WSR 6F ouRemplacement du ressort de rappel Remplacement du cordon de lancementMontage du carter du ventilateur Maintenance et ré parations Service d’atelier, piè ces de rechange et garantieInstruction dentretien quotidien et pé riodique Recherche de pannes Piè ces de rechangeGarantie Panne Systè me Observation OrigineDCS 430 DCS 520 DCS 540 Extrait de la liste des piè ces de rechange22 21 15614 Makita U.S.A., Inc Makita Canada Inc USA