Makita DCS430, DCS431, DCS520, DCS520i, DCS540, DCS5200, DCS5200i manual Cleaning the air filter

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Cleaning the air filter

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-Remove the filter cover (F/1) (2 screws).

-Loosen the screws on the air filter (F/2) and remove from intake manifold.

-Loosen the screw on the prefilter cover (F/3) and remove.

-Remove prefilter (F/4).


Cover the intake opening with a clean cloth to prevent dirt particles from getting into the carburetor.

-Pry apart the top and bottom of the air filter as shown in Figure G.


To prevent injury to the eyes, do NOT blow out dirt parti- cles!

Do not use fuel to clean the air filter and prefilter.


-Clean the air filter and prefilter with a soft brush.

-If the filter is very dirty, clean it in lukewarm water with dishwashing detergent.

-Let the air filter dry completely.

-Put the top and bottom sections back together.

-Before reinstalling the air filter, check the intake opening and remove any dirt particles. If there are any, remove them with a brush.

Clean frequently (several times a day) when working in very dusty or dirty conditions. Full engine power is possible only with a clean air filter and prefilter!

CAUTION: If the air filter or prefilter becomes damaged, replace immediately!

Pieces of cloth or large dirt particles can destroy the engine!

Replacing the spark plug STOP




Do not touch the spark plug or plug cap if the engine is running (high voltage).

Switch off the engine before starting any maintenance work.

A hot engine can cause burns. Wear protective gloves!

The spark plug must be replaced in case of damage to the insulator, electrode erosion (burn) or if the electrodes are very dirty or oily.

-Remove the filter cover (see "Cleaning the air filter").

-Pull the plug cap (H/1) off the spark plug. Use only the combination wrench supplied with the saw to remove the spark plug.

CAUTION: Use only the following spark plugs:


.020" (0.5 mm)


Electrode gap

The electrode gap must be .020" (0.5 mm).

Checking the ignition spark

-Press the loosened spark plug with the ignition cable firmly connected against the cylinder using insulated pliers (not near the spark plug opening).

-ON/OFF switch in the "I" (ON) position.

-Pull the starter cable hard.

If the function is correct, an ignition spark must be visible near the electrodes.


Image 27
Contents Owner’s and Safety Manual RE Y DCS 430, DCS 431, DCS 520, DCS 520i, DCS 540, DCS ContentsSymbols Delivery inventoryRecycling Additional safety precautions Safety precautions for chain saw operators45M6 General Safety PrecautionsDiscription of symbols used on chain saws Ansi B175.1-1991Transporting the chain saw Proper clothingSaw Use of the sawFueling instructions Chain saw operating instructionsFeet FuelingImportant adjustments Working conditionsCutting instructions Reactive forces during the cut, including kickback KickbackDepth gauges Saw chain cutter sharpnessTo avoid kickback Speed of contact at which the cutter contacts the objectTo avoid pull-in Cutting techniquesPushback To avoid pushback= cutting down area Felling instructionsSectioning Method Plunge-Cut MethodLimbing Bucking129 Maintaining and storing the saw Maintenance and Repair24 23 22 18 Denomination of components Identification plateDCS Technical data Bled it completely and inspected Mounting the guide bar and saw chainReleasing the chain brake Chain brakeChecking the chain tension Tightening the saw chain Engaging the chain brake brakingHandling and storage Waste oilFuel / Refuelling Fuel mixtureLubricating the chain Adjusting the chain lubricationClean screw cap and tank after refuelling RefuellingStarting the engine Adjusting the carburetor Checking the chain brakeChecking the chain lubrication Chain 094, 102 / 3/8 Working in winter Sharpening the saw chain Chain 085Files and how to work with them Cleaning the guide barReplacing the saw chain Cleaning the brake band and sprocket interiorReplacing/cleaning the spark arrester screen Replacing the suction headElectrode gap Cleaning the air filterReplacing the spark plug Stop Bosch WSR 6F or NGK Bpmr 7AMounting the fan housing Replacing the starter cableReplacing the return spring Service, spare parts and guarantee Instructions for daily and periodic maintenanceMaintenance and repair Malfunction System Observation Cause TroubleshootingGuarantee Spare partsDCS 520, 520i, 540 Extract from the spare parts list DCS 430Makita DCS 430, 431, 520, 520i, 540 Sommaire RE YPorter le casque les lunettes et acoustiques de protection SymbolesEtendue de la fourniture RecyclageMesures de sé curité supplé mentaires Condition physique Description des symboles figurant sur les tronç onneusesMesures gé né rales de sé curité ’utilisateurPorter le casque, les lunettes et acoustiques de protection Quels vê tements porter?La tronç onneuse Utilisation de la tronç onneuseDé marrage PiedsRavitaillement en carburant Instructions de ravitaillementRé glages importants Conditions de travailInstructions de coupe Choc de recul Kickback Affû tage des plaquettes de coupe de la chaîne Pour é viter le choc de reculLes limiteurs de profondeurs Pour é viter la traction Techniques de coupeLe recul Pour é viter le recul= zone d’abattage Instructions d’abattageMé thode de coupe en plongé e Mé thode de sectionnementDé bitage EbranchageEntretien et stockage de la tronç onneuse Entretien et ré parationDé signation des piè ces Plaque signatique Models DCS 520, 520i, DCS 540, DCS Caracté ristiques techniquesCombinaisons autorisé es de guides et de chaînes Longueur Pas Ré fé renceMontage du guide et de la chaîne de sciage Mise EN RouteEnclencher le frein de chaîne bloquer Frein de chaîneHuile de chaîne de sciage Carburants/ravitaillementMé lange carburant Maniement et stockageRemplissage des ré servoirs Ré glage du graissage de la chaîneRespecter Imperativement LES Regles DE Securite Comportement à suivre en cas de pannes Dé marrer le moteurDé marrage à froid Makita DCS 520i et Dé marrage à froid Makita DCS 430, 431, 520Vé rifier le frein de chaîne Ré glage du carburateurVé rifier le graissage de la chaîne 025 chaîne 085 Marche hivernaleAffû tage de la chaîne De sciageNettoyer le guide de la chaîne Remplacement de la cré pine d’aspiration Nouvelle chaîne de sciageChangement / nettoyage du pare-é tincelles Bosch WSR 6F ou Remplacement de bougieNettoyage du filtre d’air Ecartement des é lectrodesRemplacement du cordon de lancement Remplacement du ressort de rappelMontage du carter du ventilateur Service d’atelier, piè ces de rechange et garantie Maintenance et ré parationsInstruction dentretien quotidien et pé riodique Panne Systè me Observation Origine Piè ces de rechangeGarantie Recherche de pannesExtrait de la liste des piè ces de rechange DCS 430 DCS 520 DCS 54022 21 15614 USA Makita U.S.A., Inc Makita Canada Inc