Makita DCS430, DCS431, DCS520, DCS520i, DCS540, DCS5200, DCS5200i Adjusting the chain lubrication

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Mineral oil products degrease your skin. If your skin comes in contact with these substances repeatedly and for an extended period of time, it will desiccate. Various skin deseases may result. In addition, allergic reactions are known to occur.

Eyes can be irritated by contact with oil. If oil comes into your eyes, immediately wash them with clear water.

If your eyes are still irritated, see a doctor immediately!




Be careful and cautious when handling fuels.

The engine must be switched off!

-Thoroughly clean the area around the caps, to prevent dirt from getting into the fuel or oil tank.

-Unscrew the cap and fill the tank with fuel (fuel/oil mixture) or chain oil as the case may be. Fill up to the bottom edge of the filler neck. Be careful not to spill fuel or chain oil!

-Tightly screw on the cap.

Clean screw cap and tank after refuelling.


















































































chain oil


fuel mixture




























Lubricating the chain

During operation there must always be sufficient chain oil in the chain-oil tank to provide good chain lubrication. One filling is sufficient for about one half-hour of continuous operation.


Adjusting the chain lubrication




The engine must be switched off.

You can adjust the oil pump feed rate with the adjusting screw (F/1). The adjusting screw is located in the housing underneath the sprocket guard (F/2). It is accessible from below.

The oil pump comes factory-set to a medium feed rate.

Note: To set from minimum to maximum oil supply, turn the adjusting screw (F/1 with adjustment markings) max. a 1/4-turn.



To ensure troublefree operation of the oil pump the oil guide groove at the crank case (G/3) and the oil inlet bore in the guide bar (G/4) must be cleaned regularly.

To change the feed quantity use the universal wrench and adjust the adjusting screw (F/1) in the following way:

-Turn to the right to reduce the feed rate.

-Turn to the left to increase the feed rate.

Note: After the saw has been turned off it is normal for residual chain oil to drip from the oil feed system, the guide bar and the chain for a time. This does not constitute a defect!

Place the saw on a suitable surface.


Image 21
Contents Owner’s and Safety Manual RE Y DCS 430, DCS 431, DCS 520, DCS 520i, DCS 540, DCS ContentsSymbols Delivery inventoryRecycling Additional safety precautions Safety precautions for chain saw operatorsDiscription of symbols used on chain saws General Safety PrecautionsAnsi B175.1-1991 45M6Saw Proper clothingUse of the saw Transporting the chain sawFeet Chain saw operating instructionsFueling Fueling instructionsImportant adjustments Working conditionsCutting instructions Reactive forces during the cut, including kickback KickbackTo avoid kickback Saw chain cutter sharpnessSpeed of contact at which the cutter contacts the object Depth gaugesPushback Cutting techniquesTo avoid pushback To avoid pull-in= cutting down area Felling instructionsSectioning Method Plunge-Cut MethodLimbing Bucking129 Maintaining and storing the saw Maintenance and Repair24 23 22 18 Denomination of components Identification plateDCS Technical data Bled it completely and inspected Mounting the guide bar and saw chainChecking the chain tension Tightening the saw chain Chain brakeEngaging the chain brake braking Releasing the chain brakeFuel / Refuelling Waste oilFuel mixture Handling and storageClean screw cap and tank after refuelling Adjusting the chain lubricationRefuelling Lubricating the chainStarting the engine Adjusting the carburetor Checking the chain brakeChecking the chain lubrication Sharpening the saw chain Working in winterChain 085 Chain 094, 102 / 3/8Files and how to work with them Cleaning the guide barReplacing/cleaning the spark arrester screen Cleaning the brake band and sprocket interiorReplacing the suction head Replacing the saw chainReplacing the spark plug Stop Cleaning the air filterBosch WSR 6F or NGK Bpmr 7A Electrode gapMounting the fan housing Replacing the starter cableReplacing the return spring Service, spare parts and guarantee Instructions for daily and periodic maintenanceMaintenance and repair Guarantee TroubleshootingSpare parts Malfunction System Observation CauseDCS 520, 520i, 540 Extract from the spare parts list DCS 430Makita DCS 430, 431, 520, 520i, 540 Sommaire RE YEtendue de la fourniture SymbolesRecyclage Porter le casque les lunettes et acoustiques de protectionMesures de sé curité supplé mentaires Mesures gé né rales de sé curité Description des symboles figurant sur les tronç onneuses’utilisateur Condition physiqueLa tronç onneuse Quels vê tements porter?Utilisation de la tronç onneuse Porter le casque, les lunettes et acoustiques de protectionRavitaillement en carburant PiedsInstructions de ravitaillement Dé marrageRé glages importants Conditions de travailInstructions de coupe Choc de recul Kickback Affû tage des plaquettes de coupe de la chaîne Pour é viter le choc de reculLes limiteurs de profondeurs Le recul Techniques de coupePour é viter le recul Pour é viter la traction= zone d’abattage Instructions d’abattageMé thode de coupe en plongé e Mé thode de sectionnementDé bitage EbranchageEntretien et stockage de la tronç onneuse Entretien et ré parationDé signation des piè ces Plaque signatique Combinaisons autorisé es de guides et de chaînes Caracté ristiques techniquesLongueur Pas Ré fé rence Models DCS 520, 520i, DCS 540, DCSMontage du guide et de la chaîne de sciage Mise EN RouteEnclencher le frein de chaîne bloquer Frein de chaîneMé lange carburant Carburants/ravitaillementManiement et stockage Huile de chaîne de sciageRemplissage des ré servoirs Ré glage du graissage de la chaîneRespecter Imperativement LES Regles DE Securite Dé marrage à froid Makita DCS 520i et Dé marrer le moteurDé marrage à froid Makita DCS 430, 431, 520 Comportement à suivre en cas de pannesVé rifier le frein de chaîne Ré glage du carburateurVé rifier le graissage de la chaîne Affû tage de la chaîne Marche hivernaleDe sciage 025 chaîne 085Nettoyer le guide de la chaîne Remplacement de la cré pine d’aspiration Nouvelle chaîne de sciageChangement / nettoyage du pare-é tincelles Nettoyage du filtre d’air Remplacement de bougieEcartement des é lectrodes Bosch WSR 6F ouRemplacement du cordon de lancement Remplacement du ressort de rappelMontage du carter du ventilateur Service d’atelier, piè ces de rechange et garantie Maintenance et ré parationsInstruction dentretien quotidien et pé riodique Garantie Piè ces de rechangeRecherche de pannes Panne Systè me Observation OrigineExtrait de la liste des piè ces de rechange DCS 430 DCS 520 DCS 54022 21 15614 USA Makita U.S.A., Inc Makita Canada Inc