MTD 769-01558 manual Svsyvwejix

Page 7







This information is very important for later identification of the unit if replacement parts have to be ordered, and for the customer service.

You will find the identification plate in the vicinity of the engine.

Enter all information indicated on the rating plate of your unit in the box (Fig. ￿).

Various models are described in these operating instructions. The models are designated as follows:

Typ 1

Typ 2

Working width

Working width

up to 61 cm

40 cm



This machine is exclusively intended for use:

as a tiller for turning over and loosening soil in the garden and allotment,

in accordance with the specifica- tions and safety notes provided in these operating instructions.

Any other use is regarded as con- trary to specifications!

Use of the machine contrary to spe- cifications or any unauthorised changes to the unit invalidate any lia- bility of the manufacturer.

The user is liable for any damage or injury caused to third parties and their property by use of the machine.


As the user of the machine, please read these operating instructions carefully before using the machine for the first time.

Handle it in accordance with the instructions and retain the instruc- tions for later use or for a subse- quent owner.

Persons using the appliance must not be under the influence of intoxicants, e.g. alcohol, narcotics, medication, etc..

Do not permit children under the age of 16 to handle this machine (local regulations may specify the minimum age of the user).

Keep persons, especially children, and domestic animals well away from the danger area.

When working, always wear gloves, protective glasses, solid shoes and close-fitting clothing.

Never refuel the machine in closed rooms, or when the engine is running or is hot.

Never run the engine in closed rooms.

Do not let any parts of the body or clothing come into the vicinity of rotating or hot parts of the machine. Replace damaged exhausts, fuel tanks, or filler caps.

Do not operate the unit unless it is in perfect and safe working order. Before using the unit, always check whether the tiller blades, fastening bolts and safety equipment are worn or damaged. Have a specialist company replace worn or damaged parts.

Spare parts must fulfil the require- ments laid down by the manufac- turer. You should therefore only use original spare parts or those which have been approved by the manu- facturer.

Turn off the engine and remove the spark plug terminal when

you are not working with the machine or

you move well away from it.

Store the machine and fuel in a safe location

away from sources of fire (sparks, flames)

inaccessible to children.

Allow the engine to cool down before you put the machine into a closed room.

Only have the machine repaired by a specialist workshop.



To avoid injury before doing any working on the machine (e.g. repair work and adjustments) and before transporting it (e.g. lifting or car- rying):

switch OFF the engine;

wait until all moving parts have come to a complete stop and the engine has cooled down;

remove the spark plug connector on the engine to prevent the engine from being accidentally started;

follow the additional safety information in the engine manual.


Figure ￿

(Fold-out page with illustrations at the front of the instructions)

Safety devices serve for your pro- tection and must always operate efficiently. They may not be removed, changed or by-passed.


The machine and the hoeing assembly immediately come to a halt if the operator releases this bow or lever (intentionally or not).


Prevents the throwing out of objects such as stones or clods of earth.


At various places on the machine you will find safety and warning indi- cations, represented by symbols or pictograms.


Image 7
Contents 184VSHYGXW%OXMIRKIWIPPWGLEJX¤7EEVFVµGOIR¤+IVQER Page Page Page Page ‚‚~ƒw Svsyvwejix 3TIVEXMRK Ijsvijmvwxywi9RTEGOMRK%WWIQFP Simrk 7XEVXMRKXLIIRKMRI7XSTTMRKXLIIRKMRI 7MXGLMRKSJJXLIYRMX8VERWTSVXEXMSRMXL Wymxefpizilmgpi 8VERWTSVXEXMSR7IVZMGMRKGPIERMRK 1SZMRKXLIQEGLMRIRkmri QQSFMPMMRK+YEVERXIIPiermrk Svmkmrepwtevitevxw 8VSYFPIWLSSXMRKEMHErkivsjmrnyvjvsq Eyxmsr MrehzivxirxwxevxmrkFrançais 4SYVZSXVIWÃGYVMXÃNutilisez lappareil que celui-ci en parfait état technique Zerxpetviqmàvi Yxmpmwexmsr ÃFEPPEKI1SRXEKISqqerhi 8VEZEMPPIVEZIGPkETTEVIMP 6ÃKPIVPIKYMHSRÃqevvekihyqsxiyv VvâxivpiqsxiyvMreki 8VERWTSVX1EMRXIRERGI2IXXSEKI 6SYPIVHkIRHSQQEKIVPIQSXIYV 1EMRXIRERGI0kLYMPIQSXIYVTSPPYI PkIRZMVSRRIQIRXRjsvqexmsrwyvpiqsxiyv 6IQMWEKI+EVERXMIÃverkiqirxwixviqàhiw 2IXXSEKIRemplacer les goujons ou les vis «RUN»Bougie Carburant vieilli Filtre à air encrassé7MGLIVLIMXWIMRVMGLXYRKIR LVIV7MGLIVLIMXRkefireyjhiq 8TIRWGLMPH EW+IVÇXVMGLXMK ZivirhirYWTEGOIR1SRXMIVIR IhmirirEgoir 1SXSVWXEVXIR1SXSVWXSTTIR 1MXHIQ+IVÇXEVFIMXIRElvir EVXIR6IMRMKIREvxir +IVÇXEFWXIPPIRVfimxwlerhwglyli Glxyrk 7XMPPIKIR+EVERXMIRJSVQEXMSRYQ1SXSV 6IMRMKIRBleifreiem Kraftstoff auffüllen MPJIFIM7X¸VYRKIRWxigoiv Glxyrk Ilpiv ¸KPMGLI9VWEGLI FlmpjiPxmnhzssvivoeeqlihir EER Hiiqeglmri Ssvyzimpmklimh+IKIZIRWSTLIX Xtitpeexni Pkiqiri9MXTEOOIRQSRXIVIR 1IXHIQEGLMRIIVOIR 8EROIRIRSPMITIMP Gsrxvspivir1EGLMRIYMXIXXIR 3RHIVLSYH6IMRMKMRK3RHIVLSYH YpxmzivirRjsvqexmiszivhiqsxsv 1EGLMRIIKIXXIR+EVERXMI YptfmnwxsvmrkirSYX 1SKIPMNOISSVEEO 3TPSWWMRK 4IVPEZSWXVEWMGYVIE Mwtswmxmzmhmwmgyvie6IKSPEVIPEVYSXEHM Xvewtsvxs Zspxe9WS TvsjsrhmxæVviwxshipqsxsvi Zzmevimpqsxsvi0EZSVEVIGSRPkETTEVIGGLMS 1ERYXIRMSRI4YPMME 8VEWTSVXS1SZMQIRXS Mhsris4YPMME 1IWWEEHITSWMXS+EVERME Rjsvqemsriwypqsxsvi+YEWXS Eywetswwmfmpi 6MQIHMS 6MQIHMSMRGEWSHMKYEWXMEttevigglms IpmqmreviTirante della frizione mal regolato +YEWXS Eywetswwmfmpi 6MQIHMSPulire l’utensile di zappatura Perni o viti si sono allentatiMwtswmxmzswhiwikyvmheh 4EVEWYWIKYVMHEHGEVEGXIV¿WXMGEW Qtpisgsvvigxship Etevexs1ERINS IwiqfepeniqsrxeniEgivevvergevipqsxsv 4EVSHIPQSXSV8VEFENEVGSRIPETEVEXS EvkehigsqfywxmfpiQsxsv 4IPMKVSHIMRGIRHMSMrzspyrxevms Ippykevhixvefens8VEFENSWHIQERXIRMQMIRXS 4EVSTSVXMIQTS Tvspsrkehs0MQTMIE 9REZITSVXIQTSVEHEWspygmsrevwi +EVERX¿EYheerxijeppsw Rjsvqegmsriw GsrgivrmirxiwepqsxsvLa bujía 4VSFPIQE Eywetswmfpi¸VHMRWÇOIVLIX 7XEVXEQSXSVR ¸VIJ¸VWXEWXEVXErhlezerhi 9TTEGORMRKQSRXIVMRK4EVOIVMRK 7XÇRKEEZQSXSVR¸VRMRK ¸VEXXQSXSVRMRXIWOEXEWOEHEEZ 7O¸XWIPWGLIQETÅF¸VNEW SezwmoxpmkxIPW¸ORMRK ¸VZEVMRK+EVERXM 1SXSVMRJSVQEXMSR7X¸VRMRK 3VWEO Irxqewomrirvmkxmkx Sviviwikir Wmooivlihwwoph7MOOIVLIHWERSVHRMRKIV 7QFSPIVTÅQEWOMRIR7QFSPIVMZINPIHRMRKIR KerkIxnirmrk 9HTEORMRKQSRXIVMRK7XERHWRMRKEJQEWOMRIR 7XEVXEJQSXSV7XERHWRMRKEJQSXSV VfinhiqihqewomrirVxverwtsvxir 4EWTÅ 4EWTÅHiwxvyoxmsrwgirxiv Zivkerkjvfvyk6IRKVMRK 7XERHWRMRKRjsvqexmsrsqqsxsv ’PTMJSVFMRHIPWIQIHJINP„CHOKE INP 1YPMKÅVWEK JLN’PTRMRK+IRIVIPPI Svhmrikirwmooivlix7MOOIVLIXWMRRVIXRMRKIRI 9XTEOOMRKQSRXIVMRK Eoomrk 7XEVXMRKEZQSXSVIR7XSTTMRKEZQSXSVIR 1IRWHYEVFIMHIVQIH QewomrirZivowxih EVIEzonpx Vlzivfvyo VxverwtsvxirNiptzihjimp Fvyo6IRKNVMRK Sett gasspaken på Start 1RUVNIMP 1YPMKÅVWEO 0WRMRK Blyfri bensin8YVZEPEMXXIIX 8YVZEPPMWYYWEWMEE8TTMOMPZIWWÇSPIZEX Xmihsx ÇXX¸XEVOSMXYW3LNEYWEMWERWÇÇX¸ ÇXX¸SLNIIWWESPIZEX XyrrywqivomxVWMRXÇWZHIRWÇÇX¸ YPNIXYWT¸VÇRWÇÇX¸VWMQIROÇXX¸ 1SSXXSVMROÇRRMWXW1SSXXSVMRTWÇXXÇQMRIR 7MMVXSENS YpnixywYSPXS4YLHMWXYW SriirtwçxwTemritiwyvme Evewxsmrxmxsmqirtmxiix 8EOYYILHSX4YLHMWXEQMRIR 1SSXXSVMMRPMMXXZÇÇXMIXSEAseta kaasuvipu asentoon Start 8SMQIRTMXIIXLÇMVM¸XETEYOWMWWEMOE 1ELHSPPMRIRW 8SMQIRTMHI Ja lyijyttömällä polttoaineellaRXIWHII\IGYXEVUYEMWUYIV Xvefeplswriwxiqéuymre 4EVEWYEWIKYVER£E9WEVGSVVIGXEQIRXI RWXVY£¶IWKIVEMW HI WIKYVER£EJyrgmsreqirxs Iwiqfepekiq QsrxekiqFEWXIGIVGSQFYWX¿ZIP 0MKEVSQSXSV4EVEVSQSXSV 8VEFEPLEVGSQEQÉUYMRE1ERYXIR£ÄS0MQTIE 8VERWTSVXIQéuymre TIV¿SHSPSRKS4EVEKIQHEQÉUYMRETSV WeglevtviwwäsTevehew +EVERXMERJSVQE£ÄSWSFVI Qsxsv \¿PMSRSGEWSHIEZEVMEWSachadora gire Funcionamento irregular do Alavanca do estrangulador de ar‡ƒx‚‰Š‰‡xˆ˜‰ ˆ xŒŠŠ†„~Åwƒ~„x ÝŠ†Å˜xˆŠ~ƒƒx˜x Š†ŒÝŽˆŠÅ‡ˆ~Š†Œ „~Åxƒ„xŠ†‰ »ƒ‰Œ†˜…‰ xˆ‹x‚˜x‰€„ˆ~Š†Œzw€†Œ‰ ˆx‚˜ˆ„xŠ†‰ ÝŒˆŠ„xŠxxˆ‹x‚˜x‰„xŠxˆŠ†„~Åwƒ~„x „xŠxˆŠ†Å‡˜†˜ƒ~ˆ~ƒ~Š‡x €„ˆ~Š†Œ†ƒŠx‡† †~ˆ~‰€„ˆ~Š†Œ‚wŠ†Œ‰ ˆx‚˜ˆ„xŠ†‰ „ƒ†ƒŠ†‰# »„ˆ„xŠ†Œ‡-‡z†Œw‡ „ xˆ„xx‚ņ‰ Š~‰ ˆŠw€„~‰Š†Œ‚x†Ýzˆ„†Š†Œ„~Åxƒ„xŠ†‰ ‡xˆ˜‰„Š†„~Åwƒ~„xÜŠx‹†‡w„xŠw‚‚~‚† Å~„x ~ˆ~ÝŒƒŠ‡~ˆ~ ˜ƒŒƒ†‰Š‡xŒ„xŠˆ„†x Š†ˆx‚ˆŠ‡x‚˜† Õx€x‡ˆ„‰‡z‚~„x €xƒxŠ˜x ÖƒŠ„Šˆ~ ˜ƒŒƒ†‰Š‡xŒ„xŠˆ„†x Š~ƒx€‚~Š~˜ƒ~ˆ~Š†Œ ƒ~Š‡x‡z‚~„x €xƒxŠ˜x ÖƒŠ„Šˆ~ Page Page 073URGXFWV$NWLHQJHVHOOVFKDIW

769-01558 specifications

The MTD 769-01558 is a versatile and powerful lawn mower designed for users who seek efficiency and reliability in their gardening tasks. This model stands out for its robust construction, advanced features, and user-friendly technology, making it an excellent choice for both homeowners and professional landscapers.

One of the main features of the MTD 769-01558 is its high-performance engine, which provides sufficient power to handle various types of grass and terrain. This engine is designed for optimal fuel efficiency, ensuring that users can operate the mower for extended periods without the need for frequent refueling. The mower is also equipped with a reliable starting system that enhances user convenience.

In terms of cutting performance, the MTD 769-01558 offers a wide, adjustable cutting deck that allows users to choose between multiple cutting heights. This feature is particularly beneficial for adapting to different types of grass and seasonal conditions, providing a clean and precise cut every time. The mower's deck is also engineered for superior airflow, which aids in efficient grass clipping collection and mulching.

The MTD 769-01558 incorporates advanced technologies such as a self-propelled drive system. This feature not only reduces the physical effort required to operate the mower but also allows for smoother navigation across various landscapes. Users can easily adjust the speed of the self-propelled mechanism to match their walking pace, ensuring ease of use and control.

Another standout characteristic is the mower's ergonomic design. It comes with a comfortable grip handle and adjustable height settings, making it suitable for users of different sizes. Additionally, the mower's lightweight design promotes easy maneuverability, allowing users to navigate around tight corners and obstacles with minimal effort.

Durability is a key consideration in the design of the MTD 769-01558. It is constructed with high-quality materials that withstand the rigors of frequent use and varying weather conditions. Users can expect a long lifespan from this mower, backed by a solid warranty.

Overall, the MTD 769-01558 is a well-rounded lawn mower that combines power, efficiency, and user-oriented features. It is an excellent investment for anyone looking to achieve a well-maintained lawn with minimal effort. With its blend of advanced technologies and practical design, the MTD 769-01558 promises to deliver outstanding performance for years to come.