Chapter 4 | BIOS Setup Description |
Remote Access Configuration Submenu
Remote Access | Disabled | Enable/Disable the BIOS remote access feature. |
| Enabled | Note: If the systems serial ports are disabled in the 'I/ |
| O Interface Configuration' submenu, then Serial | |
| |
| Redirection is disabled and 'Remote Access |
| Configuration' menu is unavailable to the users. |
Serial Port Number | COM1 | Select the serial port you want to use for console |
| COM2 | redirection. |
| Note: Only enabled serial ports are presented as an |
| option. |
Serial Port Mode | 115200 8,n,1 | Select the baud rate (transmitted bits per second) you |
| 57600 8,n,1 | want the serial port to use for console redirection. |
| Note: The terminal program used with Serial | |
| 19200 8,n,1 | |
| Redirection must be set to use exactly the same set of | |
| |
| communication parameters. |
Flow Control | None | Select the flow control for Serial Redirection. |
| Hardware |
| Software |
Redirection After | Disabled | With Disabled Serial Redirection functionality is |
BIOS POST | Boot Loader | disabled at the end of BIOS POST. |
| If set to Always, all resources and interrupts | |
| Always | |
| associated with Serial Redirection are protected and | |
| |
| not released to DOS. This option lets Serial |
| Redirection permanently reside at base memory |
| which allows the DOS console to be redirected. Note, |
| that graphics output (VGA, SVGA, etc) from DOS |
| programs is not redirected! |
| If set to Boot loader, Serial Redirection is active |
| during the OS boot loader process. This allows boot |
| status messages to be redirected, but Serial |
| Redirection will terminate when the OS loads. |
Terminal Type | ANSI | Select the target terminal type. |
| VT100 | Escape sequences representing keystrokes are sent to |
| the remote terminal based on these settings. |
| |
Disabled | This option enables | |
Combination Key | Enabled | support for ANSI/ VT100 terminals. |
Support |
| |
| |
Sredir Memory | No Delay | Set the delay in seconds to display memory |
Display Delay | Delay 1 Sec | information if serial redirection is enabled. |
| |
| Delay 2 Sec |
| Delay 4 Sec |
Serial Port BIOS | Disabled | Enable or disable the serial port BIOS update feature. |
Update | Enabled | Disabling saves boot time. |
| |
72 | Reference Manual | COM 830 |