Texas Instruments MSP430x11x1 warranty Peripherals, Oscillator and system clock

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Peripherals are connected to the CPU through data, address, and control buses and can be handled easily with memory manipulation instructions.

oscillator and system clock

Three clocks are used in the systemÐthe system (master) clock MCLK, the subsystem (master) clock SMCLK, and the auxiliary clock ACLK:

Main system clock MCLK, used by the CPU and the system Subsystem clock SMCLK, used by the peripheral modules

Auxiliary clock ACLK, originated by LFXT1CLK (crystal frequency) and used by the peripheral modules

After a POR, the DCOCLK is used by default, the DCOR bit is reset, and the DCO is set to the nominal initial frequency. Additionally, if LFXT1CLK fails as the source for MCLK, the DCOCLK is automatically selected to ensure fail-safe operation.

SMCLK can be generated from LFXT1CLK or DCOCLK. ACLK is always generated from LFXT1CLK.

The crystal oscillator can be defined to operate with watch crystals (32768 Hz) or with higher-frequency ceramic resonators or crystals. The crystal or ceramic resonator is connected across two terminals. No external components are required for watch-crystal operation. If the high frequency XT1 mode is selected, external capacitors from XIN to VSS and XOUT to VSS are required as specified by the crystal manufacturer.

The LFXT1 oscillator starts after applying VCC. If the OscOff bit is set to 1, the oscillator stops when it is not used for MCLK. The clock signals ACLK and SMCLK may be used externally via port pins.

Different application requirements and system conditions dictate different system clock requirements, including:

High frequency for quick reaction to system hardware requests or events

Low frequency to minimize current consumption, EMI, etc.

Stable peripheral clock for timer applications, such as real-time clock (RTC)

Start-stop operation to be enabled with minimum delay



Image 18
Contents MSP430x11x1 DescriptionTssop PIN Sowb PIN Tssop Functional block diagramAvailable Options Packaged Devices Pulldown resistor of 30 k Ω is needed on F11x1Processing unit Terminal FunctionsShort-form description Terminal Description NameInstruction set Address Mode DescriptionsCPU Instruction Word FormatsLow-power consumption capabilities Operation modes and interruptsSCG0 Status register R2SCG1 SCG1 SCG0Wdtifg Interrupt vector addressesCaifg CCIFG1, CCIFG2, TaifgOfifg Special function registersWdtifg NmiifgBoot ROM containing bootstrap loader Functions of the bootstrap loaderMemory organization WDT Features of the bootstrap loader areHardware resources used for serial input/output VCC RST/NMI PIN Test PINTest Bootstrap loader StartsVCC InternalFlash memory Flash memory control register FCTL1Flash memory, timing generator, control register FCTL2 Erase 0128h, bit1, Erase a segmentWRT SSEL0, SSEL1 Flash memory control register FCTL3FN0±FN5 AclkAccvifg BusyKeyv WaitFlash memory, interrupt and security key violation LockEmex POR AccvPUC NmirsPeripherals Oscillator and system clockClock Signals Digital I/OWatchdog timer TimerA Three capture/compare registersTimerA 3 capture/compare registers TimerA, MSP430x11x1 ConfigurationComparatorA CACTL2.4 CaoutCAF CATCTL2.7Caex Caon Caies Caifg Rsel REF1 REF0 Slope a/d conversionCACTL1 CACTL2Peripherals with Word Access Peripherals with Byte AccessPeripheral file map Absolute maximum ratings² Recommended operating conditionsMIN NOM MAX Units MSP430x11x1 Devices Frequency vs Supply VoltageILPM2 Parameter Test Conditions MIN TYP MAX UnitIAM ILPM3Outputs Port 1 to P2 P1.0 to P1.7, P2.0 to P2.5 Leakage currentParameter Test Conditions VCC MIN TYP MAX Unit Internal signals TAx, Smclk at TimerAInputs Px.x, TAx Port P1, P2 P1.x to P2.xOutputs P1.x, P2.x, TAx ComparatorA see NoteVRefVT vs Temperature, VCC = 3 V, C1121 VRefVT vs Temperature, VCC = 2.2 V, C1121PUC/POR CAF CaonRAM Parameter MIN NOM MAX UnitDcoclk DCOVariance Max DCO StepsPrinciple characteristics of the DCO Wake-up from lower power modes LPMxJTAG/programming Input/output schematic Port P1, P1.0 to P1.3, input/output with Schmitt-triggerGND P1DIR.5 P1OUT.5 P1DIR.4 P1OUT.4 SmclkP1IFG.4 P1IES.4 P1IFG.5 P1IES.5Port P2, P2.0 to P2.2, input/output with Schmitt-trigger CAPD.XP2IFG.3 P1IES.3 Port P2, P2.3 to P2.4, input/output with Schmitt-triggerP2DIR.3 P2OUT.3 P2DIR.4 P2OUT.4P2OUT.5 P2SEL.5 VCCP2DIR.5 P2IRQ.5Port P2, unbonded bits P2.6 and P2.7 Plastic SMALL-OUTLINE Package Pins DIM MAXDW R-PDSO-G PIN ShownPW R-PDSO-G Plastic SMALL-OUTLINE Package Pins ShownPins DIM MAX MIN 15 NOM Gage Plane Seating Plane 20 MAXImportant Notice