instruction set (continued)
Computed branches (BR) and subroutine calls (CALL) instructions use the same addressing modes as the other instructions. These addressing modes provide indirect addressing, ideally suited for computed branches and calls. The full use of this programming capability permits a program structure different from conventional 8- and
operation modes and interrupts
The MSP430 operating modes support various advanced requirements for
DAuxiliary clock ACLK (from LFXT1CLK/crystal's frequency), used by the peripheral modules
DMain system clock MCLK, used by the CPU and system
DSubsystem clock SMCLK, used by the peripheral modules
low-power consumption capabilities
The various operating modes are controlled by the software through controlling the operation of the internal clock system. This clock system provides many combinations of hardware and software capabilities to run the application with the lowest power consumption and with optimized system costs:
DUse the internal clock (DCO) generator without any external components.
DSelect an external crystal or ceramic resonator for lowest frequency or cost.
DSelect and activate the proper clock signals (LFXT1CLK and/or DCOCLK) and clock
DApply an external clock source.
Four of the control bits that influence the operation of the clock system and support fast turnon from low power operating modes are located in the status register SR. The four bits that control the CPU and the system clock generator are SCG1, SCG0, OscOff, and CPUOff:
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