DS62-Network, DS62-MD4 Network/Modem Host Module
If you have SNMPv3 software, only the newer firmware will have this option. Selecting this option the DS displays, Default is Disabled.
SNMPv3 only is DISABLED. Enable? (Y/N):
Select this option to enable a SNMP trap to be sent if an authentication attempt failed, the DS displays,
Default is Disabled.
SNMP Authentication traps are DISABLED. Enable? (Y/N):
Web Server Configuration
Selecting the Web Server Configuration option and the DS displays the following:
Web Enable | 1 |
Web Login Enable | 2 |
Web Secure Login Enable | 3 |
Web Login Activity Timeout | 4 |
Exit | X |
NOTE: For this feature to operate the network port must have an IP Address assigned.
Depending on the firmware in your DS unit, the newest firmware will have the Web Server Configuration menu. To get to the unit web page, type the unit IP address, i.e.
NOTE: The web page is a quick test to see if SNMP protocol is working in the unit, if SNMP has been enabled.
IMPORTANCE: Currently, all users who access the DS through the web page have administrator privilege.
Select 1), Web Enable to enable or disable the web page feature, the DS displays, Default is Enabled:
Web is ENABLED. Enable? (Y/N):
Select 2), Web Login Enable to enable or disable the login window to the web page, the DS displays,
Default is Enabled:
Web Login is DISABLED. Enable? (Y/N):
Select 3), Web Secure Login Enable to enable or disable a secure web connection to the web page, the DS display, Default is Disabled:
Web secure SSL connection is DISABLED. Enable? (Y/N):
Select 4), Web Login Inactivity Timeout to set the Inactivity timeout to the web page, the DS displays,
Default is zero minutes: