DS62-Network, DS62-MD4 Network/Modem Host Module
User Management Menu
To change user password or port access, enter number of user. To add/delete user, select appropriate menu choice.
SNMP V3 requires passwords that are between 8 and 31 characters long Enter request, CR to exit menus.
A)...Add user 1)...root
Enter Request :
ADD User
Select A), and press <cr> to add a user and their password. The DS displays the following:
Enter username (<= 31 characters)>user1
Enter new password (<= 31 characters)>******
Confirm by
Password change successful.
NOTE: Log Out will be the only option available to the user if port access is not assigned.
NOTE: If you forget your password, the administrator has to delete the user then add them back in.
IMPORTANT: You can change the admin password. If you forget, resetting the unit back to factory default is the only way to get the admin password back.
Change User’s Port Access and Password
The admin can change a user’s port access and password.
User Management Menu
To change user password or port access, enter number of user. To add/delete user, select appropriate menu choice.
SNMP V3 requires passwords that are between 8 and 31 characters long Enter request, CR to exit menus.
A)...Add user D)...Delete user 1)...user1
2)...root Enter Request :2
Select a user number, the DS displays the following menu:
Change Password | 1 |
Modify Port Access Rights... | 2 |
Exit | X |
Enter Request :1 |