Selecting this option allows the admin to upload an SSL Certificate to the DS unit via ftp. The filename of the certificate must be (ssl.pem). An SSL certificate is used by the unit to create secure web connections. The DS unit is shipped with a default SSL certificate. This certificate should be replaced with one that better suits the user’s environment. The file format is checked after download to insure that the certificate is valid.
Select this option to Enable SSL Cert Upload, the Host Module will display the following:
Enabling this will allow the SSL Certificate to be updated via ftp
Enable SSL Certificate Upload? (Y/N)
IMPORTANT: If you type ’Y’, the DS will display the following. To stop this function
Waiting to receive ssl.pem SSL certificate file
At this point FTP the ssl.pem file into the module.
Enable Configuration File Upload
This option allows the admin to upload a configuration file from your computer to the DS. Select Enable Configuration File and the DS displays the following:
Enabling this will allow the system configuration to be updated via ftp
Enable Configuration File Upload? (Y/N)
IMPORTANT: If you type ’Y’, the DS displays the following below. To stop this function
Waiting to receive configuration file
At this point FTP the file into the unit. A successful file upload and the DS will display:
configuration file valid
updating ds62 configuration
ds62 host configuration complete polling DSs
Found DS at mod 2 port 1 DS polling complete configuring DSs
Unsuccessful file upload and the DS will display: