Chapter 9 - PowerView Display Messages
| PowerView | Meaning | Corrective Action |
| Message | ||
| |
Bypass | Bypass contactor stuck | SymmetraTM is stuck in the | Call your contract service |
| in | provider, or APC Technical | |
| go to bypass. | Support. (See inside front cover.) |
| UPS in bypass due to | SymmetraTM has transferred to | Call your contract service |
| internal fault. | bypass mode because a fault | provider, or APC Technical |
| has occurred. | Support. (See inside front cover.) |
| UPS in bypass due to | The load has exceeded the | Option #1: Decrease the load. |
| overload | system power capacity. The | Option #2: If possible, add power |
| SymmetraTM has switched to | modules to the system. |
| bypass mode. |
| System is in | The SymmetraTM is in bypass | No corrective action necessary. |
| Maintenance Bypass | because the maintenance |
| bypass switch is in the "on" |
| position. |
General | On Battery | The SymmetraTM is in the on | No corrective action necessary. |
Fault |
| battery mode of operation. | Note: Runtime is limited in |
| The battery modules are being | duration. Prepare to shutdown the |
| discharged. | SymmetraTM and the load |
| equipment, or restore incoming | |
| |
| voltage. |
| Need Bat Replacement | One or more battery modules | Refer to Chapter 8 for module |
| are in need of replacement. | replacement procedures. |
| UPS Fault | A fault has occurred in a | Call your contract service |
| power module. This will | provider, or APC Technical |
| always occur with a bad | Support. (See inside front cover.) |
| power module failure |
| message. |
| Shutdown or unable to | SymmetraTM has shutdown | Option #1: Reduce the load to |
| transfer to Batt due to | because an overload has | eliminate overload. |
| overload | occurred and bypass is not | Option #2: If possible, add power |
| available. | modules to eliminate overload. |
| Option #3: Replace failed power |
| modules to eliminate overload. |
| Note: If bypass is not available |
| because of a power failure, wait for |
| power to be restored. If there is a |
| utility problem, have it corrected. |
| Load Shutdown from | SymmetraTM has shut the load | Correct the input voltage |
| Bypass. Input Freq/Volts | down while it was on bypass, | problem. |
| outside limits. | because the input power went |
| out of acceptable range. |
| Fault, Battery Charger | The battery charger in one or | Refer to Chapter 8 for module |
| Failure | more power module(s) failed. | replacement procedures. |
| Fault, Bypass Relay | The bypass relay has | Call your contract service |
| Malfunction | malfunctioned. | provider, or APC Technical |
| Support. (See inside front cover.) |