Panasonic WV-CW864 Auto Pan Key Auto PAN KEY, Digital Flip Digital Flip, Special 1 Menu

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Auto Pan Key (AUTO PAN KEY)

This setting assigns the SEQ, SORT, AUTO PAN or PATROL (PLAY) mode to the AUTO key on the con- troller.

After this setting, the AUTO key performs as assigned.

Note: The AUTO PAN LED on the controller does not light if a mode other than AUTO PAN is assigned.

Digital Flip (DIGITAL FLIP)

In ON position, digital flip widens the range to 0 ° - 180 ° by reversing horizontal and vertical scanning when the camera is tilted through the 90 ° (downright position if the camera is installed on a ceiling). If PAN LIMIT is in ON position, the tilt range is narrowed from 180 ° to 90 °.

Local/Remote (LOCAL/REMOTE)

This setting determines whether the camera continues or stops the ongoing auto operation when the con- troller is turned off.

LOCAL: The camera continues operating in the auto mode when the controller is turned off.

REMOTE: The camera stops operating in the auto mode approx. 1 minute after the controller is turned off.

See page 26 for the setting.

Special 1 Menu

(1)Privacy Zone (PRIVACY ZONE)

This setting is used for masking unwanted zones, hiding them from display on the monitor screen. Set PASSWORD LOCK to OFF(DIS) if you want to change this setting.

Up to 8 zones can be registered. Submenus are provided for zone number selection and parameter setting. See page 26 for details.

(2) Proportional Pan-Tilt Speed (PROPO. P/T)

If ON is selected, the pan-tilt speed changes automatically corresponding to the zoom ratio. For example, the pan-tilt speed slows down when the camera zooms in. See page 28 for details.

(3) Area Title (AREA TITLE)

Up to 8 area titles can be assigned to specific scenes on the DIRECTION (NESW) menu or by alphanumeric (USER) assignment. The area title is displayed under the camera ID on the monitor screen when the camera turns to a position that has been assigned an area title. See page 28 for details.

(4) Patrol-learn and Patrol Play (PATROL)

A set of manual operations is stored (LEARN), reproduced (PLAY) or turned inactive (OFF). Patrol operation stops if SEQ, SORT or AUTO PAN is set to AUTO MODE on the SETUP menu. See page 30 for details.

(5) Alarm Input/Output (ALARM IN/OUT)

Alarm input and output are set on a submenu. Preset positions are assigned to ALARM IN 1 to 4. When alarm inputs are supplied via the alarm input connector, the camera turns to the respective positions. Then the camera sends output signals via the alarm output connector or the coaxial cable to the external devices. The B/W mode may be chosen if light is insufficient. CNT-CLS (Contact Closure) 1, 2 and COAX ALM OUT are used for alarm output setting. See page 32 for details.


Image 11
Contents Operating Instructions Contents English Important Safety InstructionsPreface FeaturesDo not attempt to disassemble the cam- era PrecautionsCamera Cleaning Preset Data Uploading or DownloadingConsumables Do not install the camera in places sub- ject to vibrationsNever aim the camera at the sun If Over Heat appears on the monitor screenConstruction Setup Menu SetupClose CAM Setup F4 key Key for 2 sec Key for 2 seco Focus Switch Zoom SwitchUp Switch Right Switch Left Switch SET Key CAM SET Key Down SwitchHome Position Home Position Setup Menu DescriptionPresetting Auto Mode Auto ModeSpecial 1 Menu Auto Pan Key Auto PAN KEYDigital Flip Digital Flip Local/Remote LOCAL/REMOTECamera Synchronization Sync Shutter Speed ShutterGain Control AGC Electronic Sensitivity Enhancement Sens UPRS485 communication Submenu Display Setting ProceduresSetup Menu Display Menu DisplayTo Set Panning/Tilting Positions PresettingPreset Menu Display Position Setting Position SETTo Set the Lens Zoom and Focus Positions ZOOM/FOCUS setting menuPan Offset To Change an Entered Preset ID Preset Identification Setting Preset IDTo Enter a New Preset ID To Copy a Preset ID from Another PositionManual setting menu Light Control Setting ALC/MANUALTo Set a Display Position for a Preset ID To Return to the Preset Setting MenuTo Return to the Setup Menu Scene File Setting Scene FilePreset Speed Setting Preset Speed To Return to the Preset Number Set MenuSelf Return Setting Self Return Deleting Preset PositionsHome Position Setting Auto PAN setting menu Auto Mode Selection Auto ModeWhen the panning, tilting, zooming or focusing in the SEQ Digital Flip Setting Digital Flip Auto Pan Key SettingPrivacy Zone Privacy Zone Local/Remote Setting LOCAL/REMOTESpecial 1 Menu Setting Special Zone Scale setting menu Area Title Area Title When on Nesw is selectedArea Title Nesw setting menu Proportional Pan/Tilt PROPO. P/TArea Title Editing Setting on UserDisplay Position setting menu Direction User setting menuArea Title menu Patrol-learn and Patrol Play PatrolTo Quit Editing Patrol Play with a Controller not Having the Patrol Key Patrol-learn with a Controller Having the Patrol KeyPatrol-learn with a Controller not Having the Patrol Key Patrol Play with a Controller Having the Patrol KeyCNT-CLS 1, 2 Output Alarm Input/Output Alarm IN/OUTAlarm I/O submenu Password Verification Password Lock Password LockNew Password Cleaning CleaningImage Hold Image Hold Preset Alarm Preset ALMElectronic Zoom EL-ZOOM Camera Identification Camera ID Camera SettingTo Display the Camera Setting Menu Camera setting menuBacklight compensation menu Turns to white Blinking Electronic Sensitivity Enhancement Sens UP Shutter Speed Setting ShutterGain Control AGC Sync menu Line-lock Sync Mode LLSynchronization Sync White Balance White BAL Auto-Tracing White Balance Mode ATW1/ATW2ATW fine adjustment menu AWC fine adjustment menu Automatic White Balance Control Mode AWCMotion detect menu Motion Detector Motion DETAuto Focus Setting AF Mode Special 2 Menu SPECIAL2 Camera Resetting Camera Reset Black Burst Setting Burst BWTo Restore the Camera Default Position Refresh Changing the Camera Communication Parameters RS485 SetupInitial Camera Communication Parameters Sub Address SUB Address Alarm Data Alarm DataDelay Time Delay Time Unit Number Unit NumberCeiling mount InstallationPrecautions Mounting the CameraWaterproof Material X4 Screws Upper Base PreparationsDisassembling the Camera Mounting the BracketRS485 Parameter Setup Setting the SwitchesUnit Number For Panasonic’s ProtocolSwitch position Unit Mounting the camera RS485 SettingConnections AC Power Supply ConnectionHow to Assemble the Cable with the Accessory Connector RS485 Connection Alarm in ConnectionsAlarm OUT Connections System Connections Prevention of Blooming and Smear SpecificationsSignal-to-noise ratio Power consumptionWV-7176E AccessoriesOptional Accessories Shortcuts AppendixRegional Offices N0202-1032 V8QA5996BN Imprimé au Japon