GSI Outdoors PNEG-951 manual Help Button, DRY Button, Cool Button, Unload Button, Plenum Button

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T h e

button currently has no function.


T h e

button is used to change the Dry timer settings when you operate your dryer in the Batch

mode. This button has no effect in the continous drying mode. Please refer to the Staged Batch section.


Th ebutton is used to change the Cool timer settings when you operate your dryer in the Batch

mode. This button has no effect in the continous drying mode. Please refer to the Staged Batch section for Batch operation.


T h e button is used to change the Unload timer settings when you operate your dryer in the

Batch mode. This button has no effect in the continous drying mode. Please refer to the Staged Batch section for Batch operation.



button allows you to view the plenum temperature of all the burners on your dryer. Press

ing the

button allows you to change the plenum set point of the burner being viewed. Press

to advance to the next screen (burner) or to accept any changes you may have made.


T h e

button allows you to view or modify the moisture control (grain temperature) set point which

determines the final moisture content of the grain being discharged from the dryer. Press the

button to make any changes. Press

to advance to the next screen or to accept any changes you may

have made.







When viewing a screen with settings that can be changed, the

button will allow you to edit the

values on this screen. Otherwise this button will have no function available.





are used when you are editing temperature, time values or for scrolling up and

down the different screen selections.






Use the

button to accept any changes you may have made to timer, delay or setup screens. It

is also used to advance to the next screen.



Image 26
Contents 3 Module Network Portable Dryer Models Page Table of Contents Drying Charts Module Network Dryer Manual Introduction Section GSI GROUP, INC. Warranty Safety First Dryer Operation Decal DC-889 Decal DC-972 Decal DC-1227 Decal DC-973 USE Caution in the Operation of this Equipment PNEG-951 Control Panel Switch Panel Layout Load Auger Switch Control Power SwitchDrying Mode Switch FAN SwitchRUN Switch Moisture Control SwitchOutside Light Switch Stop SwitchSetup Button Out of Grain Time Delay ButtonScreens Button Set Out of Grain View Grain Temps Meter Roll SP AvgUser Hour Meter Cool Button Help ButtonDRY Button Unload ButtonStats Button PNEG-951 Dryer Pre Season Checks RUN Button Electrical PowerInspect the Metering Rolls Fuel CheckUnload TWO Speed Operation Load AugerUnload ONE Speed Operation Metering Roll OperationBurner Test Fire FAN SwitchesBurner Safety Meter Roll 2 Speed DisplayDryer Shutdown Emergency Dryer ShutdownPNEG-951 Dryer Startup and Operation Fan and Auger Delays Initial Setup ParametersTimer and Delay Settings Dryer ShutdownLoad Delay OUT of Grain TMR position Unload Delay Setting Up The Temperature Set Points Drying mode switch is in the Continuous positionStartup Procedure StartupContinuous Flow Drying Mode Full Heat-Continuous Flow OperationDry and Cool-Continuous Flow Operation Staged Batch Drying Mode Continuous-Batch OperationPNEG-951 Dry Timer Operating Display Screens Main Display ScreenPNEG-951 Safety Circuit Shutdown Messages Fan x Loss of Airflow FAN and Heater Generated ErrorsAir Switch x Stuck Fan x No AirflowGrain x Overheat Housing x High LimitGrain Temp Short Ignition FailurePlenum Temp Open Illegal FlameMotor Overload Plenum Temp ShortAir System Failure INPUT/OUTPUT Generated ErrorsVapor x High Limit Aux Load OverloadMeter Rolls Failed Grain Discharge WarningLoad Motor Overload Out of GrainCont-Batch Mode Chng Master Display Generated ErrorsUser Safety Unload Motor OverloadNetwork Failed I/O Network Failed MastService and Maintanance Seasonal Inspection and Service Lubrication ProcedureFAN Blade Removal and Installation FAN Removaland Installation Heater Parts Removal and Installation FAN Motor RemovalMeter Roll Servicing Main ControlsHOW to Clear a Jammed Metering Roll Trouble Analysis Procedure PNEG-951 PNEG-951 PNEG-951 PNEG-951 Special Setup Screens Meter Roll Reverse Meter Roll DisableAIR Switch Testing Reverse time Select Unload MethodModel Number Select Dryer AddressAttempt to Refill Temperature Scale FAN/HEATER SelectPossible reasons for using On/Off burner SET Time & DateContrast Adjustment PNEG-951 Drying Charts Series Dryers Continuous Dry & Cool Staged Batch Continuous Full Heat Continuous Dry & Cool Staged Batch PNEG-951 Technical Reference Control Panel Jumper Wiring Control Panel Internal Wiring PNEG-951 PNEG-951 PNEG-951 PNEG-951 PNEG-951 PNEG-951 Lower Control BOX Back Panelwiring Network FAN/HEATER Interface FAN Computer Pinouts FAN Control BOX Upper Terminal Strip Upper Back Panel Control Wiring 100 PNEG-951 PNEG-951 101 GSI Group, Inc 1004 E. Illinois St Assumption, IL Phone Fax